: Use Panorama for Cloud NGFW Policy Management

Use Panorama for Cloud NGFW Policy Management

Table of Contents

Use Panorama for Cloud NGFW Policy Management

Manage Cloud NGFW with Panorama
After linking your Cloud NGFW tenant to the Panorama virtual appliance you can start using the integration for policy management tasks, such as adding device groups and applying policies to the device group for the Cloud NGFW tenant using the Panorama console.
When you use the Panorama console to configure the Cloud NGFW, the browser caches local information, like the cloud device group, template stack and region, so that as you switch between Panorama tasks, cached Cloud NGFW information is displayed in the Panorama console.
When you select a tenant from the
Cloud Device Groups
node and navigate to another configuration option in Panorama, returning to the
node retains the tenant view you previously selected. For example, selecting a single tenant in a region displays the cloud device groups configured for that tenant.
When you navigate to another area in the Panorama console, then return to
Cloud NGFW > Cloud Device Groups
, the console displays the single tenant you previously selected. For example, after displaying the cloud device groups for a tenant, select
AWS > Setup
When you return to the
Cloud NGFW > Resources
screen, the Panorama console remembers the previously selected tenant rather than displaying all the tenants associated with the Cloud NGFW resource.
Refresh the browser to dynamically update the display.
Panorama integration displays only those configuration options available to the Cloud NGFW resource. For example, to display policy options available to the Cloud NGFW resource, select
. The Panorama console only displays policies available to the Cloud NGFW cloud device group.
The device group name is prefixed with
To display device group objects supported by the Cloud NGFW resource, select
. Only those objects supported by Cloud NGFW appear in the Panorama console.
To display templates supported by the Cloud NGFW resource, select
. Only those cloud templates supported by the Cloud NGFW appear.
Rulestack considerations
When you provision a Cloud NGFW resource with a local rulestack, you cannot associate it with a cloud device group in Panorama; the firewall appears greyed out in the Panorama console. To resolve this issue, you can disassociate the local rulestack using the Cloud NGFW console, or, you can provision a new firewall resource without a local rulestack and associate it with a cloud device group in Panorama. Alternately, use a global rulestack.
For firewalls created using the AWS Firewall Manager Service (FMS), the rulestack cannot be deselected in the Panorama console. Select a Panorama pushed global rulestack from the FMS console. This process removes the associated rulestack and updates the firewall with a Panorama pushed global rulestack. For more information see the AWS FMS documentation.
Add Cloud Device Group
With Panorama, you group firewalls in your network into logical units called
device groups
. A device group enables grouping based on network segmentation, geographic location, organizational function, or any other common aspect of firewalls requiring similar policy configurations.
Using device groups, you can configure policy rules and the objects they reference. Organize device groups hierarchically, with shared rules and objects at the top, and device group-specific rules and objects at subsequent levels. This enables you to create a hierarchy of rules that enforce how firewalls handle traffic.
See Manage Device Groups for more information.
To add a cloud device group using the Panorama console:
  1. In the
    plugin, select
    Cloud Device Groups
    . The Cloud Device Group table is empty when you first select it. Previously created cloud device groups appear if they were established for the Cloud NGFW tenant using AWS.
  2. Click
    in the lower left corner.
  3. In the
    Cloud Device Group
    screen, use the drop-down menu to select the
    you want to use.
    is automatically populated with the region where the tenant resides.
  4. Create a new
    Template Stack
    , or use the drop-down menu to select an existing template stack.
  5. Select the
    Cloud Device Group
    drop-down menu and click
  6. Enter a
    Device Group Name
    for the device group, and click
  7. Click
    to apply the cloud device group to the tenant.
  8. You can associate a Panorama native certificate, or specify an ARN mapping. After adding a certificate to Cloud NGFW for AWS, enter the name of the certificate and alternately specify ARN mapping.
  9. Commit the change.

Delete a Cloud Device Group from a Resource

Use the Panorama console to delete a cloud device group. You can only delete a cloud device group if there are no firewalls attached to it.
To delete a cloud device group using the Panorama console:
  1. In
    , select
    Cloud Device Groups
  2. Select the
    Cloud Device Group
    you want to remove.
  3. In the lower portion of the Panorama console, click
  4. Click
    to confirm the deletion.
  5. Commit the change.

Associate a Cloud Device Group to a Resource

Use the Panorama console to associate a cloud device group to a Cloud NGFW resource. You can push a cloud device group without associating it with a resource, however, you must associate the cloud device group if you want the resource to use the cloud device group configuration
To associate a cloud device group to a Cloud NGFW resource using the Panorama console:
  1. In
    , select
  2. Select the
    Device Group
  3. In the
    Edit Firewall
    screen, use the drop-down menu to select the cloud device group you want to associate with the Cloud NGFW resource.
  4. Click
  5. Commit
    the changes.
  6. Push
    the change to your device.

Disassociate a Cloud Device Group from a Resource

To disassociate a Cloud Device Group from a Cloud NGFW resource using the Panorama console:
  1. In
    , select
  2. Select the
    Device Group
    of the NGFW resource.
  3. In the
    Edit Firewall
    screen, select
    from the
    Device Group
    drop-down. Click

Apply Policy

Cloud Device Groups on Panorama allow you to centrally manage firewall policies. You create policies on Panorama either as
Pre Rules
Post Rules
; Pre Rules and Post Rules allow you to create a layered approach for implementing policy. For more information, see
Defining Policies on Panorama
A policy created on Panorama creates a global rulestack. A firewall cannot have rules generated on Panorama and rules generated on the tenant; rules must be created in either Cloud NGFW or Panorama.
To configure policies for the cloud device group in Panorama:
  1. Select
  2. In the
    Device Group
    section, use the drop-down menu to select the
    Cloud Device Group
    previously created. When you create a device group for Cloud NGFW, the name begins with
    . For example,
  3. In the lower left portion of the console, click
  4. In the
    Security Policy Rule
    screen, configure elements of the policy you want to apply to the device group:
  5. In the
    tab, include a
    for the policy.
  6. Configure a
    policy defines source zone or source address from which the traffic originates. For
    Source Zone
    , click
    . You cannot add a specific source address.
    1. Continue applying
      policies by including the
      Source Address
      . Click
      , or use the drop-down menu to select an existing address, or, use options to add a new address or address group.
    2. For
      Source User
      Source Device
      policy, click
      . Cloud NGFW does not support specifying specific source users or source devices
  7. Destination
    policy defines the destination zone or destination address for the traffic. Use the drop-down menu to select an existing address, or, use options to add a new address or address group. The Destination policy includes fields for the zone, address, and device.
    1. For the
      Destination Zone
      , click
      . Cloud NGFW does not support adding individual destination zones.
    2. For the
      Destination Address
      , click
      , or, use the drop-down menu to select an existing zone. Click
      to add a new address, address group, or region.
    3. For the
      Destination Device
      , click
      . Cloud NGFW does not support adding individual destination devices.
  8. Configure
    policy to have the policy action occur based on an application or application group. An administrator can also use an existing App-ID™ signature and customize it to detect proprietary applications or to detect specific attributes of an existing application. Custom applications are defined in
    1. In the
      screen, click
      , or specify a specific application, like SSH. Click
      to include a new application policy:
  9. Configure
    Service/URL Category
    policies for the firewall to specify a specific TCP and/or UDP port number or a URL category as match criteria in the policy. Specify
    level policies or
    URL Category
    policies by selecting
    , or, use the drop-down options to individually select policy elements you want to apply. Click
    to create new policies for Service or URL/Category.
  10. Configure an
    policy to determine the action taken based on traffic that matches the defined policy attributes.
    1. In the
      screen, select the action to take (for example, allow or deny), determine the
      Profile Setting
      , configure the
      Log Setting
      and other settings.
      For information about using Panorama logs, see Centralized Logging and Reporting and
      View logs
    2. You can optionally forward logs to Strata Logging Service using the
      Security Policy Rule
      screen. In the
      Log Setting
      field, select the
      Log Forwarding
      drop-down and click
      New Profile.
      In the Log Forwarding Profile, enter a
      for the log and select
      Enable enhanced application logging to Strata Logging Service (including traffic and url logs)
      For more information about Strata Logging Service, see Explore Logs.
  11. Return to the Cloud NGFW console to view rules created in Panorama. Click
    View XML
    to display information about the rules pushed from Panorama to the global rulestack applied to the cloud device group:
    The rulestack is now associated with the policies applied to the Cloud Device Group created in Panorama:
  12. After applying policies to the cloud device group for the Cloud NGFW tenant, push the changes in the Panorama console.
  13. In the
    Push to Devices
    screen, click
    Edit Selections
  14. In the
    Push Scope Selection
    screen, click
    Cloud NGFW
    . The
    Cloud NGFW
    node was added to the
    Push Scope Selection
    screen to facilitate Cloud NGFW and Panorama integration.
  15. Select the cloud device groups you want to push to the resources, and click
    , then click

Use a Device Group Pushed from Panorama

The information in this section is provided for users who use the AWS Firewall Manager Service (FMS) to configure device groups pushed from Panorama.
If you are using FMS, you will not be able to associate a cloud device group with the Cloud NGFW from Panorama; this option is grayed out in the Panorama console. Use the FMS AWS console to create this association.
  1. Link a tenant to Panorama.
  2. Create a cloud device group and push it to the Cloud NGFW. This procedure is the same for users who are not using FMS.
  3. Navigate to the FMS AWS console and edit the policy.
  4. Select the global rulestack that was pushed from Panorama.
  5. Save your changes.

Use Multiple Panorama with your Cloud NGFW Resource

To use multiple Panorama with the same Cloud NGFW resource
  1. Log into the Cloud NGFW console.
  2. Select
    . The
    page displays information about the currently linked Panorama. If a Panorama is not currently linked to a Cloud NGFW tenant this page is empty.
  3. In the
    page, click
    Add Panorama
  4. In the
    Add Panorama
    window, enter a
    Link Name
    . Select the
    Primary Panorama Serial Number
    from the drop-down menu.
    Add Panorama
    window displays icons next to each Panorama that is accessible to your Cloud NGFW tenant. These icons indicate if the Panorama license is linked to Strata Logging Service. For more information, see Link the Cloud NGFW to Palo Alto Networks Management.
  5. Select the secondary
    Panorama serial number for the HA pair
  6. Click
  7. A
    appears indicating that the linking process is complete. Click
    page now displays the Panorama linked to the Cloud NGFW tenant. Click the
    Link ID
    to display information, or to alter the name of the link. Click
    if you alter the name of the link.
  8. In the Cloud NGFW console, select
    to display deployed firewalls.
    In the upper left portion of the Cloud NGFW console, use the drop-down to select the
    where the firewall resides.
  9. Select the firewall you want to manage with Panorama.
  10. Click the
    Firewall Settings
  11. Scroll down to the
    Policy Management
    section, and select
  12. Use the drop-down menu to select the
    Linked Panorama
  13. Click
  14. Repeat steps 8-13 to manage another Panorama to another NGFW tenant.
  15. Click
    to link another Panorama.
  16. In the
    page, click
    Add Panorama
  17. In the
    Add Panorama
    window, enter a new
    Link Name
    . Select the
    Primary Panorama Serial Number
    from the drop-down menu.
  18. Select the secondary
    Panorama serial number for the HA pair
  19. Click
  20. A
    appears indicating that the linking process is complete. Click
    When you link multiple Panorama to a Cloud NGFW tenant, no rulestacks are associated with it. When you use Panorama to push Cloud Device Groups to the firewall, the
    section in the NGFWs page changes to reflect the policy management associated with the NGFW.
  21. A
    appears indicating that the linking process is complete. Click

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