Deploy Prisma Access Browser Using Jamf
Prisma Access Browser

Deploy Prisma Access Browser using Jamf

Table of Contents

Deploy Prisma Access Browser Using Jamf

Jamf is a comprehensive management system for Apple macOS and iOS devices. With Jamf, you can proactively manage the entire lifecycle of Apple devices. This includes deploying and maintaining software, responding to security threats, distributing settings, and analyzing inventory data.
Deploying the Prisma Access Browser using Jamf is a 2-step procedure.
  1. Open the Jamf Dashboard and select Settings.
    1. Select Computer ManagementScripts.
    2. On the Scripts page, select New.
    3. On the New Script page, on the General tab, enter the Display Name - a name for the script. Use any name that meets your organizational requirements.
    4. Select the Script tab.
      1. Install the Installomator script.
      2. Locate the line: DEBUG=1, and change it to: DEBUG=0.
      3. Locate the label: prism9. Enter the following script before this label:
        pabrowser) name="Prisma Access Browser" type="dmg" if [[ $(arch) != "i386" ]]; then printlog "Architecture: arm64 (not i386)" downloadURL=$(curl -s | grep -Eo 'url="(.*)"' | cut -d '"' -f2 | tail -n1) appNewVersion=$(curl -s | grep -Eo 'sparkle:shortVersionString="(.*)"' | cut -d '"' -f2 | tail -n1) else printlog "Architecture: i386" downloadURL=$(curl -s | grep -Eo 'url="(.*)"' | cut -d '"' -f2 | tail -n1) appNewVersion=$(curl -s | grep -Eo 'sparkle:shortVersionString="(.*)"' | cut -d '"' -f2 | tail -n1) fi expectedTeamID="XZMH593AYG" ;;
      4. Click the Options tab. Under Parameter 4, enter the Application name. Select Save.
      5. The script is saved; you can now create a new Policy.
  2. Create the Policy.
    1. In the Jamf Dashboard, select ComputersPoliciesNew.
    2. On the Policies page, select New.
    3. On the New Policy page, enter the Display Name for the policy.
    4. Select Scripts.
    5. In the Configure Scripts field, click Configure.
    6. On the New Policy page, select the Script and click Add.
    7. In the Parameter Values section, select the Application Name field, and enter pabrowser.
    8. Save.
      The Script is added to the policy.