: Configure an IP Tag Cloud Connection

Configure an IP Tag Cloud Connection

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Configure an IP Tag Cloud Connection

Learn how to configure the Cloud Identity Engine to collect IP-Tags for policy enforcement.
To configure the Cloud Identity Engine to collect IP address-to-tag (also known as IP-tag) information for policy enforcement, configure a connection to your cloud service provider to synchronize the mappings. The identity management system provides the IP-tag information to the edge service for processing, which then provides the information to the firewalls for policy enforcement.
To collect IP address-to-tag (IP-tag) information from your cloud service provider, you must grant the Cloud Identity Engine the required permissions.
  • Azure
    — Grant the
    permissions as described in the Azure Monitoring section in the VM Series documentation to the service account.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    — Grant the service account the Amazon Role Name (ARN) roles as described in the IAM Roles and Permissions for Panorama section as shown in the JSON example in the VM Series documentation. For more information on the ARN, refer to the AWS documentation.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
    — Grant the IAM roles as described in the VM Series documentation to the service account.
If you use Strata Cloud Manager, you can view your IP-tag information using the unified interface and use it to create your tag-based security policy.
For each region, you can synchronize up to 20,000 IP-tag mappings from a cloud service in a monitoring configuration at one time. For instance, if you have 1,000 IP addresses, you will be able to synchronize them all if each IP address has equal to or fewer than 20 tags. After performing the initial synchronization, you can continue to add more IP-tag mappings in subsequent synchronizations, with each synchronization allowing up to an additional 20,000 mappings. The Cloud Identity Engine sync only the new or modified mappings each time.
  1. If you have not already done so, activate User Context and configure a segment to receive the mapping information.
  2. Select
    User Context
    IP-Tag Collection
  3. Select the
    Credential Configuration
    tab (if it does not already display).
  4. To
    Set Up a New Credential Configuration
    , select the cloud service provider you want to use.
    • AWS—Connect to an Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance.
    • Azure—Connect to a Microsoft Azure Active Directory instance.
    • Google Cloud Platform—Connect to a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instance.
  5. Enter a unique and descriptive
    for the configuration.
  6. (
    AWS only
    ) Configure your AWS connection.
    To open your AWS administrator portal in a new window so you can create or edit any necessary ARNs, click
    Open CFT
    and log in with your AWS credentials.
    1. Enter your
      Access Key ID
      To learn how to obtain your access key ID and secret access key, refer to the AWS documentation.
    2. Enter your
      Secret Access Key
    3. Reenter your secret access key to
      Confirm Secret Access Key
    4. (Optional) Enter a
      Role ARN Name
      Role ARN Value
      To configure additional Role ARNs, click
      Add Role ARN
      for each Role ARN you want to include.
      If you specify an ARN, you can't also specify a VPC.
  7. (
    Azure only
    ) Configure your Azure connection.
    1. Enter your
      Client ID
      To learn how to obtain the client ID and client secret, refer to the Azure documentation.
    2. Enter your
      Client Secret
    3. Enter your
      Tenant ID
      To learn how to obtain the tenant ID and subscription ID, refer to the Azure documentation.
    4. Enter your
      Subscription ID
  8. (
    Google Cloud Platform only
    ) Configure your GCP connection.
    1. Create credentials for a service account in your Google Cloud console, then download and save the JSON file in a safe location.
    2. Click
      Browse files
      and click
      to navigate to the JSON file or drag and drop the GCP credential JSON file.
  9. Verify the connection by clicking the
    Test Connection
    For AWS configurations, you can optionally select the
    before testing the connection. By default, the Cloud Identity Engine selects the
    US West
    region; if this region does not allow API requests, select a region that can allow API requests.
    Even if the connection test isn't successful, you can still submit your configuration; until you resolve the connectivity issues, the configuration status is
    Not connected
    . You must resolve the connection issues for the configuration to successfully retrieve the IP address-to-tag mappings.
  10. Submit
    the configuration.
  11. (
    Strata Cloud Manager only
    ) If you're using Strata Cloud Manager, view the tags that the Cloud Identity Engine shares with Strata Cloud Manager by selecting an address group then select the
    Tags from CIE
    tab when you add match criteria.
  12. To configure a connection to your cloud service provider for monitoring purposes (such as audits) or to share the IP address-to-tag mapping information using a segment, select the
    Monitor & Status
    There are four states for the connection to the cloud service provider:
    • Connected
      —The Cloud Identity Engine has successfully established a connection.
    • Partially connected
      —The Cloud Identity Engine could successfully establish a connection to some aspects of the configuration, such as regions or VPCs for AWS, but not all of them.
    • Connection pending
      —The Cloud Identity Engine has successfully established a connection but has not completed the sync for the IP tag mappings from one or more regions.
      For more information on the connection status, select
      Click to see details
    • Not connected
      —The Cloud Identity Engine couldn’t successfully establish a connection with the current configuration.
    1. Set Up a New Monitor Configuration
      and select the type of monitor configuration that matches the credential connection you configured in step 4.
    2. Enter a unique and descriptive
      for the configuration.
    3. Select the
      Credential Configuration
      that you configured in step 4.
    4. (
      AWS only
      ) Optionally select the
      Role ARN
      you want to use.
    5. Select if you want to configure the connection for
      All Regions
      All VPCs
      (AWS only) or
      All Project IDs
      (GCP only).
      To select a specific region or virtual private cloud (VPC), deselect the
      All Regions
      All VPCs
      check box and allow the list of regions or VPCs to populate, then select the region or VPC you want to include. To select a specific VPC, you must first select one or more regions or select all regions.
    6. (
      Azure only
      ) Select whether you want to
      Fetch Service Tags
      If you select this option, the Cloud Identity Engine syncs the service tags from Azure.
    7. Define the
      Polling Interval (in seconds)
      to specify how frequently the Cloud Identity Engine checks for new data.
      The default is 60 seconds and the range is 60–1800 seconds.
    8. If you want to share the mappings, select the segment you configured in step 1. Otherwise, if you want to create this configuration only for monitoring without sending mappings to any firewalls, select
      Because you can't select another segment after you submit the configuration, ensure you select the correct segment before submitting the configuration. If you need to change the segment after you submit the configuration, you must create a new configuration and select the segment you want to use.
    9. Submit
      the configuration.
  13. Search and monitor your configurations in the Cloud Identity Engine.
    1. Select the
      Monitor & Status
    2. Use the filters to highlight the information you want to find.
      • Name
        —Enter the name of a configuration to filter results to this configuration.
      • Vendor
        —Select the vendor type to filter the results to this vendor type.
      • Status
        — Select the status type (such as
        Partially Connected
        ) to filter the results to this status type.
      • Segment
        — Select the
        name to filter the results to this segment.
      • Associated Credential
        — Select the name of the
        Associated Credential
        configuration to filter the results to this configuration.
    3. To remove the filter, click
  14. View more details for a specific configuration.
    1. Select the name of the configuration that you want to view from the
      IP-Tag Collection
    2. On the
      Monitor & Status
      page, review the
      Connection Details
      to view information such as the connection status.
  15. View the IP address-to-tag mapping information.
    Options vary depending on your configuration type.
    1. (
      AWS only
      ) On the
      Search by VPC ID
      to view information for a specific VPC or select the number in the
      column to view the IP addresses associated with the
      VPC ID
      in that row.
    2. Select the
      Tag To IP
      tab and
      Search by Tag
      to locate IP address information for a specific tag.
      You can view the results for an exact or partial match for your query. You can optionally limit the search to a specific region or select
      All Regions
    3. Select the number in the
      column to view the IP addresses that the Cloud Identity Engine has collected for the selected
    4. Search by IP Address
      then close the window or click
      after reviewing the IP addresses.
    5. Select the
      IP To Tag
      tab to
      Search by IP Address
      For an AWS-based configuration, you can also search by VPC ID.
    6. Click the number in the
      column to view the tags associated with the
      IP Address
      of that row.
    7. Search by Tag
      then close the window or click
      after reviewing the tags.
  16. (Optional) Edit or remove configurations as needed.
    1. Click
      to change the configuration and
      your changes or click
      and click
      to delete this configuration.
      Removing a configuration also removes all IP tags from associated devices.
    2. You can also edit or delete the configuration from the
      IP-Tag Collection

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