: Set Up an M-Series Appliance in Panorama Mode

Set Up an M-Series Appliance in Panorama Mode

Table of Contents
End-of-Life (EoL)

Set Up an M-Series Appliance in Panorama Mode

  1. Rack mount the M-Series appliance. Refer to the M-Series Appliance Hardware Reference Guide for instructions.
  2. Perform Initial Configuration of the M-Series Appliance.
  3. Register Panorama and Install Licenses.
  4. Install Content and Software Updates for Panorama.
  5. Configure each array. This task is required to make the RAID disks available for logging. Optionally, you can add disks to Increase Storage on the M-Series Appliance.
  6. Set Up Administrative Access to Panorama.
  7. Manage Firewalls.
  8. Manage Log Collection.