Select Mobile Users and Groups to Send Notifications

Select Mobile Users and Groups to Send Notifications

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Select Mobile Users and Groups to Send Notifications

You can select a subset of your Mobiles Users or groups to send the notifications. If you enable notifications for a user group, notifications will be turned on for all users in that group.
  1. Open the
    Monitored Mobile Users
  2. Click the
    Self Serve
  3. In
    Select Mobile Users or Groups
    , select the users and user groups for whom you wish to enable this feature.
    1. Select all mobile users:
      Click the drop down arrow next to Mobile Users and select
      All Mobile Users Selected
    2. Select individual mobile users and/or user groups only:
      Click the drop down arrow next to Mobile Users and select
      Enter the name of the mobile user or user group one at a time in the
      Search Mobile Users and Groups
      text box. As you start entering a name, you get a drop down box with the available names that match the string you entered. Select the name from the drop-down list. If you selected an individual user the name appears in the
      box. For groups the group name appears in the
  4. Save
    your changes.

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