Monitored Remote Sites Dashboard

Monitored Remote Sites Dashboard

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Monitored Remote Sites Dashboard

Monitor the digital experience of for your remote sites and troubleshoot performance issues from this dashboard. The
Remote Sites
dashboard provides an experience score of all the remote sites in the Prisma Access Locations and shows how the experience trend during the selected
Time Range
. You can also see detailed experience information for each remote site. This is often where you will want to start if you have remote sites reporting performance issues.
From here you get an overall view of the experience trends for all your ADEM remote sites. You can view
  • The overall experience score for all the remote sites. This helps to determine how all sites are working with a breakdown view of the remote sites that are performing good, fair, or poor
  • The experience score for each site
  • The connected Prisma Access location sites
  • Information on the Internet and private WAN circuits that the remote site is connected to
Select or define a custom
Time Range
to view the data for only the time window selected.
Filter (click
) the data shown in the widgets in this dashboard.

Overall Stats

View the statistics for all the remote sites across the Prisma Access Locations to see how their performance is trending.

Experience Score

This widget shows the consolidated experience score with a breakdown of Good, Fair, and Poor experiences by number of sites. It is the overall experience score of the remote site or branch, which is an average of experience scores from all the test samples collected on active paths of all the applications monitored for that site. Although the experience score of each backup path will be individually calculated and available for each remote site and application, the experience score for backup paths are not taken into consideration when calculating the Experience Score of a remote site.You can drill down into sites experiencing fair or poor performance by clicking on the
link below

Monitored Remote Sites

Review the list of Monitored Remote Sites to see details about the digital experience of your sites, including their average experience score from all monitored applications on active path and trend line, location, service provider, and the Prisma Access Location that the site belongs to. This will help you identify issues that might be affecting the sites.
To investigate issues reported by a specific remote site, click on the corresponding
Remote Site Name
. This opens the
Remote Site Details
Column Name
Remote Site Name
Name of the Remote site
Avg. Experience Score
the average experience score for the specific remote site
Peak Device Count
The number of unique users that connect to the SD-WAN device.
Internet Service Provider
Name of the Internet Service Provider
Private WAN Service Provider
Name of the WAN Service Provider for the remote site
Prisma Access Locations
The Prisma Access Location to which the site belongs

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