Prisma Access Locations - Map View

Prisma Access Locations - Map View

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Prisma Access Locations - Map View

Map View
shows each Prisma Access Location within your SASE environment. The circles are color coded to give you quick visibility into the average digital experience score for each location, where green is Good, yellow is Fair, and Red is poor. The circles represent monitored Prisma Access Locations. When there are multiple locations that are too close to each other, they get represented by a single circle with a number in it that indicates how many locations that circle represents. Enlarge the map to see the details of the individual locations.
Hover your mouse cursor over any monitored Prisma Access Location (represented by a circle) to see the Application distribution for connected Mobile User and Remote Sites at that location. The application scores are categorized by the number of apps running that have a Good, Fair, and Poor score. You also see the overall status of the apps for all Mobile Users, Remote Sites or both that are connected to that location. The scores take into account both the Application metrics and the Network Performance metrics (latency, jitter, packet loss).. The data shown in the pop-up is broken down by
Cloud Agent Experience for Mobile Users
Cloud Agent Experience for Remote Networks
. Cloud agent is an agent that runs on the Prisma Access Cloud.
Filter (click
) the data displayed using one or more of the following filters:
  • Application
  • Deployment Type
  • Experience Score
  • Prisma Access Location
The status on the top left is the overall health status (Good, Fair, Poor) for the location. It takes into account both the Application and Network Performance scores. View the number of apps classified by their health status for Mobile Users or Remote Networks running in that location. Clicking on
See more details
takes you to the Prisma Access Details page for that Location filtered by the deployment type (either Mobile Users card is selected or Remote Networks card is selected depending on the section from which you clicked the link. Data displayed in all the widgets on this page will be for that particular deployment type).The bar on the left of the pop-up shows the overall status that is lower out of the Mobile Users status or Remote Sites status.
The number next to the
Mobile User Devices Connected
Remote Networks Connected
represents the number of ADEM agents running in the cloud. If the number is zero, it indicates that no Mobile User or Remote Site is actively connected to the location at that time. Even though no Mobile User or Remote Site is connected at that time, the applications will continue to be monitored and categorized under the Good, Fair, or Poor status.

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