Manage Enforcement of Policy Rule Recommendations Using SaaS Inline Policy Recommendation
Set up a robust and efficient system for managing SaaS security policies across your
organization using Saas inline policy recommendation snippet.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
- Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
- NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
When a SaaS Security administrator authors and submits SaaS policy rule recommendations,
the Web Security or Data Security administrator imports those new rule recommendations
and updates or removes those same rule recommendations as the SaaS Security
administrator makes changes to them. Before you begin, review the SaaS Security access
privileges for your Web Security or Data Security administrator to ensure they can
successfully manage enforcement of rule recommendations. You can also troubleshoot
issues after implementing new policy rules or modifying existing ones.
SaaS policy rule recommendations are based on a combination of apps, users and groups,
categories, activities, device posture, and data profiles. The import process
automatically creates the necessary objects, including an Application Group for the apps
in the SaaS policy rule recommendation. The name of the Application Group is derived
from the Rule Name that the SaaS Security administrator assigned to the SaaS policy rule
Use snippets to standardize a common base configuration for a set of NGFW, and Prisma
Access tenants. This allows you to quickly onboard new devices with a known good
configuration and reduces the time required to onboard a new device. Additionally, this
also allows you to quickly apply the same SaaS app security enforcement to multiple
NGFW, and Prisma Access tenants. Use the predefined
SAAS-Inline-Pol-Recommendations snippet to simplify
management of your SaaS Security Inline Policy Recommendations.
Import New Policy Rule Recommendations
Enable Automatic Updates for Policy Rule Recommendations
Update Imported Policy Rule Recommendations
Remove Deleted Policy Rule Recommendations