Changes to Default Behavior
Enterprise DLP

Changes to Default Behavior

Table of Contents

Changes to Default Behavior

Review the changes in default behavior for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP).
Regionalized Proximity Keywords
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP) retired the following proximity keywords associated with the following predefined data patterns.
The predefined data patterns listed below are grouped based on the retired proximity keywords.
Predefined Data Pattern
Retired Proximity Keywords
Driver License - Australia
Licence No
Driver License - Austria
Driver License - Belgium
Driver License - Bulgaria
Driver License - Croatia
Driver License - Cyprus
Driver License - Czech Republic
Driver License - Denmark
Driver License - Estonia
Driver License - Finland
Driver License - France
Driver License - Germany
Driver License - Greece
Driver License - Hungary
Driver License - Iceland
Driver License - Italy
Driver License - Latvia
Driver License - Liechtenstein
Driver License - Lithuania
Driver License - Luxembourg
Driver License - Netherlands
Driver License - Norway
Driver License - Poland
Driver License - Portugal
Driver License - Romania
Driver License - Slovakia
Driver License - Slovenia
Driver License - Spain
Driver License - Sweden
Driver License - Switzerland
License, Drivers License, DL, Licence,Drivers Licence
Driver License - Brazil
Driver License - Ireland
Driver License - Malta
Driver License - New Zealand
Driver License - UK
License, DL, Licence
Driver License - Canadadrivers license number, license number, licence
Driver License - Japan
免許, driver license
Driver License - South Africa
ilayisense yokushayela
Driver License - South Korea
자동차운전면허증, Driving Permit, IDP
Driver License - Taiwan
駕駛執照. 駕照'
Driver License - US
licence, DL no
Driver License - US - AK
Driver License - US - AL
Driver License - US - AR
Driver License - US - AZ
Driver License - US - CA
Driver License - US - CO
Driver License - US - CT
Driver License - US - DC
Driver License - US - DE
Driver License - US - FL
Driver License - US - GA
Driver License - US - HI
Driver License - US - IA
Driver License - US - ID
Driver License - US - IL
Driver License - US - IN
Driver License - US - KS
Driver License - US - KY
Driver License - US - LA
Driver License - US - MA
Driver License - US - MD
Driver License - US - ME
Driver License - US - MI
Driver License - US - MN
Driver License - US - MO
Driver License - US - MS
Driver License - US - MT
Driver License - US - NC
Driver License - US - ND
Driver License - US - NE
Driver License - US - NH
Driver License - US - NJ
Driver License - US - NM
Driver License - US - NV
Driver License - US - NY
Driver License - US - OH
Driver License - US - OK
Driver License - US - OR
Driver License - US - PA
Driver License - US - RI
Driver License - US - SC
Driver License - US - SD
Driver License - US - TN
Driver License - US - TX
Driver License - US - UT
Driver License - US - VA
Driver License - US - VT
Driver License - US - WA
Driver License - US - WI
Driver License - US - WV
Driver License - US - WY
license, licence, licence #, license #, drivers, drivers, DL, drivers licenses, drivers licences, drivers licenses, drivers licences, dl#, dls#, lic#, lics#
National ID - Albania
Albanian identity card, Letërnjoftim, ID kombëtare
National Id - Argentina ID
Número de Identificación,Número de identificación Argentina,Argentina número, Identidad
National ID - Australia
Commencement of Identity, COI, permanent resident, evidence of immigration status, EIS, PRE
National Id - Austria - Central Register of Residents
National Id - Austria Social Security Card - e-card
National ID - Bahrain
Central Popular Registration, CPR
National Id - Belgium - Citizen Service Number - BSN
National Id - Belgium - National Registration Number
National Register Number,National Registration Number
National ID - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Identity card of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lična karta, Лична карта, Osobna iskaznica
National Id - Brazil - CNPJ
CNPJ, Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, National Registry of Legal Entities, CGC
National Id - Brazil - CPF
Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas, CPF, Natural Persons Register, Brazilian individual taxpayer registry identification
National Id - Canada - Social Insurance Number - SIN
Canada SIN, Canadian SIN, Canadian Social Insurance Number
National Id - China ID
身份证, 居民信息, 居民身份信息, 中国, Identity Card, Information of resident, Information of resident identification
National Id - Colombia National ID
c.c., c.c,C.C., C.C, cc, CC, NIE., NIE, nie., nie, cedula de ciudadania, cédula de ciudadanía, cc#, CC #, documento de identificacion, documento de identificación, Nit., Número Único,de Identificación
National ID - Costa Rica
Costa Rican National Identity Card
National Id - Croatia - Personal Identification Number
identification number
National ID - Cuba
Carnet de identidad, Identity card
National Id - Cyprus - Identity Card
Cypriot identity card,Cyprus identity card,ceska republika obcansky prukaz,identity card
National Id - Denmark - CPR Number
CPR-nummer, Personal Identification number, national identification number, Personnummerbevis
National ID - Dominican Republic
CIE, Personality Verification Card
National ID - Ecuador
National identity card
National Id - Finland - Personal Identity Code - HETU
Personal Identification Number
National Id - Hong Kong ID
身份證, 三顆星, Identity card, Hong Kong permanent resident ID Card, HKID
National Id - Hungary - Personal Identification Number
Hungarian social security number, social security,number, socialsecuritynumber#, hssn#, HSSN#, socialsecuritynno, HSSN, TAJ, TAJ#, SSN, SSN#,social security no,ÁFA, Közösségi adószám, Általános forgalmi adó,szám, hozzáadottérték adó, ÁFA szám, magyar ÁFA,szám
National ID - India
india, govt., government, government of india, govt. of india, vid, youraadhaar, governmentofindia, govt.ofindia, national id card number, national identity card number, national id, national id #, national identity #
National ID - Indonesia
Resident Identification Card, Single Identity Number
National ID - Iran
shenasnameh ,کارت شناسائی ملی ,National Identity card
National ID - Israel
teudat zehut, بطاقة هوية
National Id - Japan Corporate Number
社会保障・税番号制度, 社会保障, 税番号制度
National ID - Kazakhstan
IIN, Individual identitifcation number, Жеке қуәлік, Kazakhstani identity card, udostovereniye lichnosti
National ID - Kuwait
بطاقة المدنية ,civil card
National Id - Malaysia National ID
NRIC No, nricno#, MyKad Number, mykad no, mykadnumber#, identity card no, MyKadno#, mykad#, identity card number, nric no, nomborperibadi#, kadpengenalanno#
National ID - Mexico
National Electorate Institute, Instituto Nacional Electoral, INE, Voting card, credencial para votar, NSS, N.S.S., CURP, C.U.R.P.
National ID - Moldova
Buletin de identitate, Identity card
National ID - Montenegro
Lična karta, Лична карта, Identity card
National ID - North Macedonia
Лична карта, identity card
National ID - Pakistan
National Identity Card, CNIC, C.N.I.C., NIC, N.I.C.
National ID - Paraguay
Civil National Identity Card
National ID - Peru
Documento Nacional de Identidad, National Identity Card
National ID - Philippines
Pambansang Pagkakakilanlan, Philippine Identification Card
National Id - Poland
PESEL ID, polish SSN, social security number, social,security no, SSN#, PESELID#, peselno#, pesel number,social security code, PESEL Liczba, społeczny,bezpieczeństwo liczba, społeczny bezpieczeństwo ID,,społeczny bezpieczeństwo kod, PESELliczba#,społecznybezpieczeństwoliczba#
National Id - Portugal
National Id - Romania - Identity Card - CNP
personal numeric code, unique identification number, cnp#, pin, pin#, insurance number, insurancenumber#, unique identity number, uniqueidentityno#, cod, identificare personal, număr, personal unic, număr identificare, personal, număridentitate#, codnumericpersonal#, numărpersonalunic#
National ID - Russia
Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика, внутренний паспорт, общегражданский паспорт, Паспорт гражданина Российской Федерации, Internal passport, Identity card
National ID - Serbia
Lična karta, Лична карта, Identity card
National Id - Singapore NRIC
Identity card, Singapore, NRIC, National RegistrationIdentity, Singapore, National Registration, ID,
National ID - South Africa
smart ID, identiteitsdokument, incwadi kamazisi, green book
National ID - South Korea
주민등록증, Identity card, 주민등록증, jumin deungnok jeung
National Id - Spain - National Identity Document - Documento Nacional de Identidad
SSN, social security number, SSN#, social security,no., socialsecurityno#, Social Security Number, Social,Security No. Número de la Seguridad Social, número,de la seguridad social
National ID - Sri Lanka
ජාතික හැඳුනුම්පතதேசிய அடையாள அட்டை
National Id - Sweden - Personal Identity Number
personal ID number, personal, personal id no, personal identification no, person id no, unikt
National ID - Switzerland
AHV, A.H.V., AHV-Nr 7, National identification number, National ID
National Id - Taiwan ID
ROC ID, National Identification Card, ROCID#
National Id - Thailand ID
ประกันภัยจํานวน, หมายเลขประจําตัวส่วนบุคคล, หมายเลขประจําตัวที่ไม่ซ้ํากัน, ประกันภัยจํานวน#, หมายเลขประจําตัวส่วนบุคคล#, หมายเลขประจําตัวที่ไมซ้ํากัน#, pid, insurance number, personal id number, personal identification no., unique identification no., personalidno#, insuranceno#, personalidno#, uniqueidno#, personal identity no
National Id - Turkey Identification Number
identification number, personal identification number, citizen id, personal id no, id no#, citizen id no, identity number, personal identity no., kimlik numarası#
National Id - UAE Emirates ID
الهوية الشخصية رقم, فريدة من نوعها هوية رقم, هوية فريدة, #التأمينرقم, pid, personal id number, personal identification no., unique identification no., personal identity no, personalidno#, insuranceno#, personalidno#, uniqueidno#
National Id - UK National Insurance Number - NINO
UTR, Unique Taxpayer Reference, UK Tax ID, Taxpayer Identification Numbers, TIN No, Taxpayer ID #, TIN#, Tax no #
National ID - Uruguay
Uruguay cédula de identidad, Cédula de Identidad numero, Identificación nacional, National ID, ID, Nation ID , ID ,NID, Numéro ID Nacional, Clave Única de Identificación, personal de identidad clave, personal de identidad, número de identificación nacional, número ID nacional
National Id - US Social Security Number - SSN
s s n, social security, ss #, ss#s, soc sec no, tax payer id #, taxpayer#, tax id number, ssn1, ssn2, national id
National ID - Venezuela
Venezuela Cédula de Identidad, Cédula de Identidad numero, Identificación nacional, National ID, ID, Nation ID , ID , personal de identidad clave, personal de identidad, número de identificación nacional, número ID nacional, NID
Passport - Austria
Passport,Passport Number,Passport #, Austria Passport
Passport - Belgium
Passport - Brazil
Passport - Bulgaria
Passport - Croatia
Passport - Cyprus
Passport - Czech Republic
Passport - Denmark
Passport - Estonia
Passport - Finland
Passport - France
Passport - Germany
Passport - Greece
Passport - Hungary
Passport - Iceland
Passport - Italy
Passport - Latvia
Passport - Liechtenstein
Passport - Lithuania
Passport - Luxembourg
Passport - Netherlands
Passport - Norway
Passport - Poland
Passport - Portugal
Passport - Romania
Passport - Slovakia
Passport - Slovenia
Passport - Spain
Passport - Switzerland
Passport - Turkey
Passport,Passport Number,Passport #
Passport - Ireland
Passport - Malta
Passport - Sweden
Passport - UK
Passport #
Passport Number - China
护照, 护照号码
Passport Number - Singapore
buku passport, passportbook
Passport Number - South Africa
Passport number - South Korea
passeport, paspoortnommer, inombolo yepasipoti
Passport number - Taiwan
护照号, 護照號, 護照
Tax Id - Australia
TNF #, Taxpayer Identification Numbers, TIN No, Taxpayer ID #, TIN#, Tax no #
Tax Id - Austria
Tax Id - Cyprus
Tax Id - France
Tax Id - Hungary
Tax Id - Malta
Tax Id - Netherlands
Tax Id - Poland
Tax Id - Portugal
Tax Id - Slovenia
Tax Id - Spain
Tax Id - Sweden
Tax, TaxID
Tax Id - Belgium
Tax Id - Brazil
Tax Id - Bulgaria
Tax Id - Croatia
Tax Id - Czech Republic
Tax Id - Denmark
Tax Id - Estonia
Tax Id - Finland
Tax Id - Greece
Tax Id - Iceland
Tax Id,Tax,TaxID
Tax Id - Italy
Tax Id - Latvia
Tax Id - Liechtenstein
Tax Id - Lithuania
Tax Id - Luxembourg
Tax Id - New Zealand
Tax Id - Norway
Tax Id - Romania
Tax Id - Slovakia
Tax Id - Switzerland
Tax Id - Turkey
Tax Id,Tax,TaxID
Tax ID - Canada
Tax Id, Tax, TaxID, Social Insurance, SIN, numero dassurance sociale, service canada
Tax ID - Dominican Republic
Registro Nacional de Contribuyents, tax id, tax id number, RNC id, TIN, tax, RNC, RNC no, número de contribuyente, número de impuesto corporativo, número de Identificación fiscal
Tax Id - Germany
Tax Id,Tax,TaxID,Steueridentifikationsnummer,Steuernummer,German Tax ID,Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer,Steuer-IdNr,Taxpayer Identification Numbers,Taxpayer ID #, Tax no #
Tax Id - India - PAN
PAN#, pan#, PAN Card Number, pan card no, pancardno#, PAN card no, pan, PANID#
Tax ID - South Africa
tin, tax id, tax, taxid
Tax ID - South Korea
foreign resident number, 외국인등록번호
Tax ID - Taiwan
税号, 纳税人识别号, 稅號, 納稅人識別號, 稅
Tax Id - UK - UTR
uk tax id, taxpayer identification numbers, taxpayer id #, tax no #
Tax Id - US - TIN
tax payer id #, taxpayer#, tax id number