App Behavior Options
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GlobalProtect Docs
9.1 (EoL)
- 10.1 & Later
- 9.1 (EoL)
- Deploy App Settings in the Windows Registry
- Deploy App Settings from Msiexec
- Deploy Scripts Using the Windows Registry
- Deploy Scripts Using Msiexec
- SSO Wrapping for Third-Party Credential Providers on Windows Endpoints
- Enable SSO Wrapping for Third-Party Credentials with the Windows Registry
- Enable SSO Wrapping for Third-Party Credentials with the Windows Installer
- Mobile Device Management Overview
- Set Up the MDM Integration With GlobalProtect
- Qualified MDM Vendors
- Remote Access VPN (Authentication Profile)
- Remote Access VPN (Certificate Profile)
- Remote Access VPN with Two-Factor Authentication
- Always On VPN Configuration
- Remote Access VPN with Pre-Logon
- GlobalProtect Multiple Gateway Configuration
- GlobalProtect for Internal HIP Checking and User-Based Access
- Mixed Internal and External Gateway Configuration
- Captive Portal and Enforce GlobalProtect for Network Access
- End User Experience
- Management and Logging in Panorama
- View a Graphical Display of GlobalProtect User Activity in PAN-OS
- View All GlobalProtect Logs on a Dedicated Page in PAN-OS
- Event Descriptions for the GlobalProtect Logs in PAN-OS
- Filter GlobalProtect Logs for Gateway Latency in PAN-OS
- Restrict Access to GlobalProtect Logs in PAN-OS
- Forward GlobalProtect Logs to an External Service in PAN-OS
- Configure Custom Reports for GlobalProtect in PAN-OS
- Monitoring and High Availability
- About GlobalProtect Cipher Selection
- Cipher Exchange Between the GlobalProtect App and Gateway
- Reference: GlobalProtect App Cryptographic Functions
- Reference: TLS Ciphers Supported by GlobalProtect Apps on macOS Endpoints
- Reference: TLS Ciphers Supported by GlobalProtect Apps on Windows 10 Endpoints
- Reference: TLS Ciphers Supported by GlobalProtect Apps on Windows 7 Endpoints
- Reference: TLS Ciphers Supported by GlobalProtect Apps on Android 6.0.1 Endpoints
- Reference: TLS Ciphers Supported by GlobalProtect Apps on iOS 10.2.1 Endpoints
- Reference: TLS Ciphers Supported by GlobalProtect Apps on Chromebooks
- Ciphers Used to Set Up IPsec Tunnels
- 6.3
- 6.2
- 6.1
- 6.0
- 5.1
- Download and Install the GlobalProtect App for Windows
- Use Connect Before Logon
- Use Single Sign-On for Smart Card Authentication
- Use the GlobalProtect App for Windows
- Report an Issue From the GlobalProtect App for Windows
- Disconnect the GlobalProtect App for Windows
- Uninstall the GlobalProtect App for Windows
- Fix a Microsoft Installer Conflict
- Download and Install the GlobalProtect App for macOS
- Use the GlobalProtect App for macOS
- Report an Issue From the GlobalProtect App for macOS
- Disconnect the GlobalProtect App for macOS
- Uninstall the GlobalProtect App for macOS
- Remove the GlobalProtect Enforcer Kernel Extension
- Enable the GlobalProtect App for macOS to Use Client Certificates for Authentication
- 6.1
- 6.0
- 5.1
- 6.3
- 6.2
- 6.1
- 6.0
- 5.1
End-of-Life (EoL)
App Behavior Options
The following table lists the options that you can configure
in the Windows Registry and macOS plist to customize the behavior
of the GlobalProtect app.
Some settings do not have a corresponding portal configuration setting
on the web interface and must be configured using the Windows Registry, Msiexec,
or macOS plist. These settings are listed in the table as “Not in
portal.” They include, but are not limited to, settings such as
the following: portal <IPaddress>, prelogon 1,
and can-prompt-user-credential.
Portal Agent Configuration | Windows Registry/macOS
Plist | Msiexec Parameter | Default |
Connect Method | connect-method on-demand | pre-logon | user-logon | CONNECTMETHOD=”on-demand | pre-logon | user-logon” | user-logon |
GlobalProtect App Config Refresh Interval (hours) | refresh-config-interval <hours> | REFRESHCONFIGINTERVAL= ”<hours>” | 24 |
Update DNS Settings at Connect (Windows Only) | flushdns yes | no | FLUSHDNS=”yes | no” | no |
Send HIP Report Immediately if Windows Security
Center (WSC) State Changes (Windows Only) | wscautodetect yes | no | WSCAUTODETECT=”yes | no” | no |
Detect Proxy for Each Connection (Windows Only) | ProxyMultipleAuto Detection yes | no | ProxyMultipleAuto Detection=”yes | no” | no |
Clear Single Sign-On Credentials
on Logout (Windows Only) | LogoutRemoveSSO yes | no | LogoutRemoveSSO=”yes | no” | yes |
Disable Single Sign-On on local
machines This setting allows you to disable the
SSO feature even if it is configured on the portal. It overwrites
the portal configuration when you manually add the key to the Windows
registry or macOS plist and set the value as Yes. | For Windows endpoints, you must manually
add this setting to the Windows registry: Windows Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\Settings Key Name/Value: force-sso-disable yes | no For
macOS endpoints, you must manually add this setting to the macOS plist: macOS Path: /Library/Preferences/com.paloaltonetworks. GlobalProtect.settings.plist Add
the setting under Palo Alto Networks > GlobalProtect > Settings Key Name/Value: force-sso-disable yes | no | This setting is not supported in msiexec. | n/a |
Use Default Authentication on
Kerberos Authentication Failure (Windows Only) | krb-auth-fail-fallback yes | no | KRBAUTHFAILFALLBACK= ”yes | no” | no |
Custom Password Expiration Message
(LDAP Authentication Only) | PasswordExpiryMessage <message> | PasswordExpiryMessage “<message>” | |
Portal Connection Timeout (sec) | PortalTimeout <portaltimeout> | PORTALTIMEOUT= ”<portaltimeout>” | 5 |
TCP Connection Timeout (sec) | ConnectTimeout <connecttimeout> | CONNECTTIMEOUT= ”<connecttimeout>” | 5 |
TCP Receive Timeout (sec) | ReceiveTimeout <receivetimeout> | RECEIVETIMEOUT= ”<receivetimeout>” | 30 |
Client Certificate Store Lookup | certificate-store-lookup user | machine | user and machine | invalid | CERTIFICATESTORELOOKUP= "user | machine | user and machine | invalid" | user and machine |
SCEP Certificate Renewal Period (days) | scep-certificate-renewal-period <renewalPeriod> | n/a | 7 |
Maximum Internal Gateway Connection Attempts | max-internal-gateway-connection-attempts <maxValue> | MIGCA="<maxValue>" | 0 |
Extended Key Usage OID for Client Certificate | ext-key-usage-oid-for-client-cert <oidValue> | EXTCERTOID=”<oidValue>” | n/a |
User Switch Tunnel Rename Timeout (sec) | user-switch-tunnel-rename-timeout <renameTimeout> | n/a | 0 |
Use Single Sign-On (Windows Only) | use-sso yes | no | USESSO="yes | no" | yes |
Not in portal This setting
specifies the default portal IP address (or hostname). | portal <IPaddress> | PORTAL="<IPaddress>" | n/a |
Not in portal This setting
enables GlobalProtect to initiate a VPN tunnel before a user logs
in to the device and connects to the GlobalProtect portal. | prelogon 1 | PRELOGON="1" | 1 |
Windows only/Not in portal This setting
is used in conjunction with single sign-on (SSO) and indicates whether or
not to prompt the user for credentials if SSO fails. | can-prompt-user-credential yes | no | CANPROMPTUSERCREDENTIAL= ”yes | no” | yes |
Windows only/Not in portal This setting
filters the third-party credential provider’s tile from the Windows
login page so that only the native Windows tile is displayed.* | wrap-cp-guid {third party credential provider guid} | WRAPCPGUID=”{guid_value]” FILTERNONGPCP=”yes | no” | no |
Windows only/Not in portal This setting
is an additional option for the setting wrap-cp-guid, and allows
the third-party credential provider tile to be displayed on the Windows
login page, in addition to the native Windows logon tile.* | filter-non-gpcp no | n/a | n/a |
Windows only/Not in portal This setting
allows you to assign static IP addresses to Windows endpoints. | reserved-ipv4 <reserved-ipv4> reserved-ipv6 <reserved-ipv6> | RESERVEDIPV4=”<reserved-ipv4>” RESERVEDIPV6=”<reserved-ipv6>” | n/a |
(Windows Only) This setting
allows you to set a valid default gateway on GlobalProtect virtual
adapter when you configure GlobalProtect app in Full-Tunnel mode. | fake-default-gateway yes | no | FIXDEFAULTGATEWAY= ”yes | no” | n/a |
(Windows Only) This setting
allows you to collect HIP data on Windows endpoints. | collect-hip-data yes | no | COLLECTHIPDATA= ”yes | no” | n/a |
(Windows Only) This setting
allows you to save gateway passwords on Windows endpoints. | save-gateway-password yes | no | SAVEGATEWAYPASSWORD= ”yes | no” | n/a |
Windows Only/Not in portal
This setting allows you to press the Enter key
to log in to GlobalProtect from the embedded browser on Windows
endpoints during SAML authentication.
In some cases, enabling this setting will
prevent the Enter key press from being
accepted during sign on. If this occurs, change the setting to
| Windows Registry
Networks\GlobalProtect\Settings Key
Name/Value translate-enter-key yes |
no |
| yes |
For detailed steps to enable these settings using the Windows registry
or Windows Installer (Msiexec), see SSO Wrapping for Third-Party Credential Providers on Windows Endpoints.