Addressed Issues—Autonomous DEM Access Experience Agent
Autonomous DEM

Addressed Issues—Autonomous DEM Access Experience Agent

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Addressed Issues—Autonomous DEM Access Experience Agent

The following issues have been addressed.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Cloud Management)
  • Prisma Access (Panorama Managed)
  • Prisma Access license
  • Autonomous DEM license
Issue IDDescription
Fixed an issue where, on PC start-up, the Access Experience dashboard automatically displays.
Fixed an issue where some of the components of the Access Experience dashboard were obscured on low-resolution screens.
DEM-7403Fixed an issue where the Access Experience dashboard does not open after an ADEM Agent with Self-Serve enabled upgrades to a later version and installs that version’s Self-Serve feature simultaneously.
DEM-7293Fixed an issue where, due to increased SSID restrictions in macOS 14.5, Access Experience and User Experience dashboards in Strata Cloud Manager showed the connected SSID as <redacted> instead of the actual SSID name without location services enabled. Now, you can enable location services for ADEM to accurately report SSID.
Fixed an issue where, due to increased Wi-Fi restrictions in macOS 14.4.1, Access Experience did not detect Wi-Fi or internet connection status without location services enabled.
Now, if Access Experience detects that location services are disabled, it prompts you with the following banner to enable them so that it can accurately report Wi-Fi status.