Service Delivery Segment | The segment in the service delivery chain (such as the user's
device, Internet, WiFi, Local Network) where the Zoom call
performance degraded. The segments can be any of the following: |
Root Cause | The cause within the service delivery segment for the performance
degradation. |
Impacted Minutes | The total number of Zoom meeting minutes that were impacted by
poor performance. |
Percentage of Poor Performing Minutes | The total percentage of the poor performing minutes with respect
to the total minutes the user spent on all Zoom calls that he/she
attended. A poor-performing minute can have multiple root
causes, so the number displayed in this column could add up to
more than 100%. For example, if a poor performing minute has two
root causes, it will be counted as two separate
minutes. |
Suggested Remedy | Steps that the end user can take to resolve the issue if
possible. If the scope of the issue resolution is outside the user's
control, then suggest some steps that the user can take, such as
contact their administrator. |