Configure a VLAN
Next-Generation Firewall

Configure a VLAN

Table of Contents

Configure a VLAN

Configure a Layer 2 interfaces with a VLAN for switching and traffic separation.
Contact your account team to enable Cloud Management for NGFWs using Strata Cloud Manager.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • VM-Series, funded with Software NGFW Credits
  • AIOps for NGFW Premium license (use the Strata Cloud Manager app)
When your organization wants to divide a LAN into separate virtual LANs (VLANs) to keep traffic and policy rules for different departments separate, you can logically group Layer 2 hosts into VLANs and thus divide a Layer 2 network segment into broadcast domains. For example, you can create VLANs for the Finance and Engineering departments.
The firewall acts as a switch to forward a frame with an Ethernet header containing a VLAN ID, and the destination interface must have a subinterface with that VLAN ID in order to receive that frame and forward it to the host. You configure a Layer 2 interface on the firewall and configure one or more logical subinterfaces for the interface, each with a VLAN tag (ID).
  1. Log in to
    Strata Cloud Manager
  2. VLANs support Layer 2 interfaces only.
  3. Configure a Subinterface for the Layer 2 interface.
    Be sure to set the VLAN
    for the subinterface.
  4. Select
    NGFW and Prisma Access
    Device Settings
    and select the Configuration Scope where you want to create the VLAN.
    Select a firewall from your
    or select
    to configure the VLAN in a snippet.
    If you select a folder or select a snippet, you create a VLAN variable that must be assigned at the device level.
  5. Enter the
    Interface Name
    By default, all VLANs are prefixed with
  6. (
    ) Enter a
  7. (
    Folders and Snippets only; Optional
    ) Assign the VLAN to a
    Logical Router
    See Configure a Logical Router for more information.
  8. (
    Folders and Snippets only; Optional
    ) Assign the interface to a
    Create New
    to create a new zone. See Zone Protection and DoS Protection for more information.
  9. Add
    the Layer 2
    Ethernet Interfaces
    you created in the previous step.
  10. Configure the VLAN IP settings.
    1. Select the VLAN IP
    • Static
      IPv4 Address.
      the IPv4 IP addresses for the interfaces in the VLAN.
    • Activate the
      DHCP Client
      on the VLAN.
      See Configure an Interface as a DHCP Client for more information on configuring the VLAN as a DHCP client.
  11. Save
  12. Push Config
    to push your configuration changes.

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