: Monitor Performance of Tunnel Status Through the ASC Support View

Monitor Performance of Tunnel Status Through the ASC Support View

Table of Contents

Monitor Performance of Tunnel Status Through the ASC Support View

Learn how to monitor the performance of tunnel status through the ASC Support View.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • ASC Support View
If you have the necessary roles, you can view tunnel status of the tenants, connections, and instances you support. To view this information, access the ASC Support View and select MonitorPerformanceTunnel Status.
You can filter on any tenant where you have any role, and the time range of interest. The tenant region is displayed for convenience. The tenant chosen is persistent as you navigate through the other monitoring menus.
You can specify to view the following types of connections:
  • RN — remote networks
  • MU — mobile users
  • SC — service connections
You can specify the following types of instances:
  • Firewall
This page offers the following widgets:
Tunnel Status (Currently Down)
Based on the tunnels that are currently down in real time, this chart displays metrics for those tunnels during the selected time period. If all tunnels are up, you see "no data is available." The 1 represents up, and the 0 represents down.
Tunnel Status (All)
Displays the up or down status of all tunnels during the selected time period. The 1 represents up, and the 0 represents down.