: View Tenant Bulk Config Status Through the Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager

View Tenant Bulk Config Status Through the Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager

Table of Contents

View Tenant Bulk Config Status Through the Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager

Learn how to view tenant bulk config status through the Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
After you assign and push snippets to your tenants, you can view their synch status.
  1. Access the Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager, and select ManageBulk ConfigurationTenant Config Status.
    This page offers the following widgets:
    Tenants in Sync
    Displays the total number of tenants in sync.
    Tenants with Update Available
    Displays the total number of tenants with updates available.
    Tenants Unassigned
    Displays the total number of tenants with no snippets assigned.
    Tenants Failed
    Displays the total number of tenants where the Assign & Push failed. If you get a failure, you can Retry.
    Displays the following columns:
    • Tenant Name
    • Sync Status
    • Snippet name
    • Version
    • Push Time
    • Actions
      • Push: Push a snippet to an individual tenant.
      • Revert: If the previous push was a success, you would not need to revert.
      • Retry: If the previous push was a success, you would not need to retry.
      • Remove: You can remove a configuration if the previous push was a success and the status is synced. You cannot remove a configuration if the status is unassigned or in progress.