Network Security
Manage Policy Recommendations from SaaS Security Administrators
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Network Security Docs
- Security Policy
- Security Profile Groups
- Security Profile: AI Security
- Security Profile: WildFire® Analysis
- Security Profile: Antivirus
- Security Profile: Vulnerability Protection
- Security Profile: Anti-Spyware
- Security Profile: DNS Security
- Security Profile: DoS Protection Profile
- Security Profile: File Blocking
- Security Profile: URL Filtering
- Security Profile: Data Filtering
- Security Profile: Zone Protection
- Policy Object: Address Groups
- Policy Object: Regions
- Policy Object: Traffic Objects
- Policy Object: Applications
- Policy Object: Application Groups
- Policy Object: Application Filter
- Policy Object: Services
- Policy Object: Auto-Tag Actions
- Policy Object: Devices
- Uses for External Dynamic Lists in Policy
- Formatting Guidelines for an External Dynamic List
- Built-in External Dynamic Lists
- Configure Your Environment to Access an External Dynamic List
- Configure your Environment to Access an External Dynamic List from the EDL Hosting Service
- Retrieve an External Dynamic List from the Web Server
- View External Dynamic List Entries
- Enforce Policy on an External Dynamic List
- Find External Dynamic Lists That Failed Authentication
- Disable Authentication for an External Dynamic List
- Policy Object: HIP Objects
- Policy Object: Schedules
- Policy Object: Quarantine Device Lists
- Policy Object: Dynamic User Groups
- Policy Object: Custom Objects
- Policy Object: Log Forwarding
- Policy Object: Authentication
- Policy Object: Decryption Profile
- Policy Object: Packet Broker Profile
- The Quantum Computing Threat
- How RFC 8784 Resists Quantum Computing Threats
- How RFC 9242 and RFC 9370 Resist Quantum Computing Threats
- Support for Post-Quantum Features
- Post-Quantum Migration Planning and Preparation
- Best Practices for Resisting Post-Quantum Attacks
- Learn More About Post-Quantum Security
- Investigate Reasons for Decryption Failure
- Identify Weak Protocols and Cipher Suites
- Troubleshoot Version Errors
- Troubleshoot Unsupported Cipher Suites
- Identify Untrusted CA Certificates
- Repair Incomplete Certificate Chains
- Troubleshoot Pinned Certificates
- Troubleshoot Expired Certificates
- Troubleshoot Revoked Certificates
Manage Policy Recommendations from SaaS Security Administrators
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
Security rules that allow SSL, web-browsing,
or “any” application may allow unsanctioned SaaS applications that
can introduce security risks to your network. To give you visibility
into those applications, SaaS Security administrators
can recommend security rules for specific SaaS apps. You can review,
import, and commit (push) those recommendations to your Security policy
for enforcement.
Policy Recommendations created under ManageConfigurationSaaS Security are moved to the Policy Recommendations tab in
Web Security.

A) New SaaS Rule Recommendations
When the SaaS Security Administrator pushes a new SaaS rule recommendation,
its name, description, and the action you can take for it to appear
in this table.
B) Status
Shows the status of the SaaS rule recommendation. See if a rule
has been imported, removed, has an update available, or if an import
has failed.
C) Search
Use text search to find rules.
D) Show / Hide columns
Show or hide columns to improve visibility.
E) Actions (New SaaS Rule Recommendations)

F) Enable Automatic Updates
Turn on to update imported rules automatically.
G) Actions (Imported SaaS Rule Recommendations)

H) Imported SaaS Rule Recommendations
Rules you import from the New SaaS Rule Recommendations table
appear here in this table.