: Threat Vault
Table of Contents
End-of-Life (EoL)

Threat Vault

Routing connection test fields in the web interface.
Select Test
Select the connectivity test to execute.
Panorama only
) Select device
Select device/VSYS
to specify which devices and virtual systems for which to test the policy functionality. Admin and device group & Template users are presented with the devices and virtual systems based on their access domain. Additionally, you can select the Panorama management server as a device.
Panorama only
) Selected Devices
Lists the devices and virtual systems selected for testing.
Select to view the Result Details of the executed test.
Panorama only
) When executing the test for multiple managed devices, the Results display the following information for each device tested:
  • Device Group—Name of the device group to which the firewall that is processing traffic belongs.
  • Firewall—Name of the firewall that is processing traffic
  • Status—Indicates the status of the test:
  • Result—Displays the test result. If the test could not be performed, one of the following is displayed:
    • N/A
      —Test was not applicable to the device.
    • Device not connected
      —Device connection was dropped.

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