View the details of the Zoom application experience for Mobile Users and Remotes
Sites by clicking on their respective card.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
Strata Cloud Manager
Prisma Access license
Autonomous DEM license
Zoom QSS license
View the Zoom application score for all Mobile Users or Remote Sites in this widget. You
can see at a glance how many user devices are having Good (green), Fair (yellow) and
Poor (red) experience with Zoom. The widget also displays the application test name and
the application test target. The number with the green arrow next to the application
experience score indicates the comparison of the experience score compared to the
average experience score during the same time period prior to the current one. For
example, if the average experience score has been 93 in the current 3-hour time range,
the number next to the green arrow indicates how much the current experience score has
deviated from the previous 3-hour period.