Configure Ciphers
Prisma SD-WAN

Configure Ciphers

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Configure Ciphers

Learn about the ciphers supported in Prisma SD-WAN and how to configure them.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Prisma SD-WAN license
Prisma SD-WAN supports the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) modes in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. Prisma SD-WAN supports the following CBC and GCM encryption algorithms for Secure Fabric tunnels.
  • AES-256-GCM
  • AES-256-CBC
  • AES-128-GCM
  • AES-128-CBC
The order of algorithm selection for Secure Fabric tunnels by the controller is:
AES-256-GCM > AES-256-CBC > AES-128-GCM > AES-128-CBC
Note that:
  • All the four algorithms are enabled by default for Secure Fabric tunnels for a newly created site.
  • You can enable the GCM algorithms for existing sites.
The order of selection of the algorithms based on the device software versions is as follows:
Software Versions of ION devicesAlgorithm Selection Order
Both the ION devices are running software versions 6.5.1 or higher AES-256-GCM>AES-256-CBC>AES-128-GCM>AES-128-CBC
The best common algorithm based on the above order is selected.
One device running software version 6.5.1 or higher, second device running a version lower than 6.5.X.
(AES-GCM is supported for devices running software versions 6.5.1 or later)
Both the ION devices are running software versions lower than 6.5.1.
(AES-GCM is supported for devices running software versions 6.5.1 or later)
The controller selects the best common algorithm between a pair of sites and pushes the same algorithm to both the sites.
Site1 VPN Ciphers: AES_128_CBC, AES_256_CBC, AES-128-GCM
Site2 VPN Ciphers: AES-128-GCM
Here, the controller will select AES-128-GCM for all the VPNs between all the devices in these two sites and then push the configuration accordingly to the devices.
If there are no common ciphers between two sites, then None will be displayed and the tunnel will not be established.
Cipher Support for Standard VPN Tunnels
Prisma SD-WAN uses Standard VPN tunnels to connect to third-party services. Unlike Secure Fabric tunnels, these tunnels use both IKE and IPsec for tunnel formation.
You can select the algorithms for Standard VPNs when configuring IPSec profiles.
Note that:
  • Only IKEv2 supports the AES-GCM algorithm. IKEv1 does not support it.
  • Although the Pseudo Random Functions (PRF) algorithms in IKEv2 proposals are derived from Hash algorithms, you need to explicitly select the PRF algorithm for GCM. The algorithms are the same as the hash algorithms that Prisma SD-WAN supports i.e. SHA-256 and SHA-512.
  • Prisma SD-WAN uses the 16-octet (128-bit) authentication tag by default.
Configure Ciphers for Secure Fabric Tunnels
  1. Select a site and select ConfigurationAdvancedConfigure Ciphers.
  2. Select the required ciphers and Save.
    All the ciphers are selected by default only for newly created sites.
    You can view the selected ciphers between sites by selecting WorkflowsBranch Sites. Select a site, click Overlay Connections and then select Edit Secure Fabric Link.