dump app-probe flow
Prisma SD-WAN

dump app-probe flow

Table of Contents

dump app-probe flow

Use the dump app-probe flow command to display details of application probing on a device. Expire Type denotes the category of LAN to WAN flow. Flows are categorized based on the type of application detected for a flow. Unreachable applications will be probed for a period determined by Expire Time.
The categories for Expire Type along with Expire Time are as follows:
Expire TypeExpire Time
StaticInfinite - Unreachable applications will be probed indefinitely till they are reachable.
Dynamic10 hours
One Time30 minutes
CustomInfinite - Unreachable applications will be probed indefinitely till they are reachable.
Default120 seconds


dump app-probe flow (all | application= | server-ip= )


allEnter all to display probing statistics for all applications.
applicationEnter an application name to display probing statistics for the application.
server-ipEnter a server IP address to display probing statistics for applications on the server.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in Release 5.1.1


dump app-probe flow application=ftp Protocol Source-Ip:Port Dest-IP:Port AppName Expire-Type ExpireTime Path ID TCP :54019 :21 "ftp" 0 7 secs 1524708264742023 7