dump routing multicast statistics
Prisma SD-WAN

dump routing multicast statistics

Table of Contents

dump routing multicast statistics

Use the dump routing multicast statistics command to display the routing multicast statistics for LAN and WAN of a device.


dump routing multicast statistics type= [wan | lan]


typeEnter LAN or WAN to get the LAN/WAN related traffic statics. Release 6.0.1.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
dump routing multicast status
Introduced inRelease 5.6.1


dump routing multicast statistics Type=WAN WAN Traffic Statistics ------------------------ Remote-Site :London HelloRx :1641 HelloTx :2940 JoinPruneRx :121 JoinPruneTx :1630 RegisterRx :0 RegisterTx :0 RegisterStopRx :0 RegisterStopTx :0 BsmRx :0 BsmTx :0 AssertRx :0 AssertTx :0 dump routing multicast statistics Type=LAN LAN Traffic Statistics ------------------------ Interface :eth1 HelloRx :0 HelloTx :2899 JoinRx :0 JoinTx :0 PruneRx :0 PruneTx :0 RegisterRx :0 RegisterTx :0 RegisterStopRx :0 RegisterStopTx :0 BsmRx :0 BsmTx :0 AssertRx :0 AssertTx :0