inspect app-map
Prisma SD-WAN

inspect app-map

Table of Contents

inspect app-map

Use the inspect app-map command to display the application ID to IP, port, or protocol mapping cache.


inspect app-map


detailEnter detail to display details of app-map entries.
summaryEnter summary to display brief details of app-map entries.
filterSet a filter to display filtered app-map entries using the following parameters:
srcv4Enter the source IP address.
dstv4Enter the destination IP address.
srcv6Enter the source IP address. Release 6.2.1
dstv6Enter the destination IP address.Release 6.2.1
srcportEnter the source port.
dstportEnter the destination port.
prot-nmTab to select UDP, TCP, or ICMP.
prot-noEnter a protocol number ranging from 0 - 255.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only
Related Commands
clear app-map-dynamic
Introduced in Release 5.0.3


inspect app-map detail UDP dst -> app_id 15186805708420143 enterprise_app_id 0 anchor_ip 0 xfer_type 2 alg_rule 0 detected 1 expire_type 0 expire 18446744073709547259 sec s order_number 32768 TCP dst -> app_id 15186805708360135 enterprise_app_id 0 anchor_ip 0 xfer_type 2 alg_rule 0 detected 1 expire_type 0 expire 18446744073709547259 sec s order_number 32768 UDP dst -> app_id 15186805702410193 enterprise_app_id 0 anchor_ip 0 xfer_type 2 alg_rule 0 detected 1 expire_type 0 expire 18446744073709547259 se cs order_number 32768... inspect app-map summary PROTOCOL DIRECTION IP PORT APP_NAME ENTERPISE_APP_NAME DETECTED_APPS EXP_TYPE EXPIRY ORDER_NUMBER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UDP dst 1080 "socks4" None -- Static N/A32768TCP dst 7752 "meraki-control" None -- StaticN/A 32768inspect app-map filter prot-no=124 PROTOCOL DIRECTION IP PORT APP_NAME APP_ID ENTERPISE_APPID ENTERPISE_APP_NAME DETECTED_APPS EXP_TYPEEXPIRY ORDER_NUMBER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 src 0 ”is-is-over-ipv4" 149729554645600670 None -- Static N/A 32768
inspect app-map summary Number of app-map entries : 2 PROTOCOL DIRECTION IP PORT APP_NAME ENTERPISE_APP_NAME DETECTED_APPS EXP_TYPE XFER_TYPE EXPIRY ORDER_NUMBER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCP dst 2001:10:2:15::103 443 google-play None -- Dynamic bulk 35999 32768 TCP dst 2001:10:2:15::103 80 google-maps None ['google-base ', 'web-browsing'] Dynamic xact 35999 32768