Table of Contents

VPN Keep-Alives

VPN keep-alive packets determine whether a given path is reachable for an Prisma SD-WAN. You can configure VPN Keep-Alives for circuit categories, circuits, and Secure Fabric Links.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active
    Prisma SD-WAN
VPN keep-alive packets determine whether a given path is reachable for an ION device. VPN keep-alive packets are sent at a fixed interval on a VPN link. The VPN link is declared down, if the peer is unreachable after a certain number of attempts and a certain period of time.
The location of the ION device in a network topology plays an important role in configuring VPN keep-alives. For example, you need to configure a higher value of the keep-alive Interval between two ION devices behind routers as compared to the keep-alive Interval between two ION devices not behind routers.
VPN keep-alives are configured at the following levels:
The order of precedence for VPN keep-alives is as follows:
  • VPN keep-alives configured at the secure fabric link level have the highest priority.
  • If VPN keep-alives are not configured at the secure fabric link level, then VPN keep-alives configured at the circuits level take effect.
  • If VPN keep-alives are not configured at both secure fabric link level and circuits level, then VPN keep-alives configured at the circuit categories level take effect.
If there is a mismatch in configuration between two VPN endpoints, then:
  • The keep-alive configuration with the larger keep-alive interval takes effect.
  • If keep-alive intervals are the same, then the configuration with the higher keep-alive failure count takes effect.

Configure VPN Keep-Alives for Circuit Categories

For metered links, where there is a cost for usage (such as LTE interfaces), VPN keep-alives can be adjusted to minimize the usage of the link and any costs associated with using the link. VPN keep-alives can also be modified for unreliable circuits that experience high latency and loss such as satellites.
  1. Select
    , and then select
    Circuit Categories
  2. Edit a circuit category and enter values for
    Keep-Alive Failure Count
    Keep-Alive Interval
    • For
      Keep-Alive Failure Count
      , enter a value between 3 and 30.
      Keep-Alive Failure Count
      indicates the number of consecutive missed keep-alive packets before a link is declared as down. The default value is 3.
    • For
      Keep-Alive Interval
      , enter a value between 100 ms and 600000 ms.
      Keep-Alive Interval
      indicates the time interval in milliseconds between two VPN keep-alive packets. The default value is1000 ms.
  3. Select
    Use for Controller Connections
    Use for Application Reachability Probes
    , as required for this selected circuit category.
  4. Click

Configure VPN Keep-Alives for Circuits

  1. Select
    Sites/Data Centers
    Select a Site
  2. Click
    Change Circuits
    for either
    Internet Circuits
    Private WAN Circuits
  3. Click
    below the circuit.
  4. In VPN Configs, for
    Keep-Alive Fail Count
    , enter a value between 3 and 30.
    The Keep-Alive Fail Count indicates the number of consecutive missed keep-alive packets before a link is declared as down. The default value is 3.
    1. For
      Keep-Alive Interval
      , enter a value between 100 ms and 600000 ms.
      The Keep-Alive Interval indicates the time interval in milliseconds between two VPN keep-alive packets. The default value is 1000 ms.
    2. Select the
      Override VPN Keep-Alive
      check box to use the VPN keep-alive values configured on the
      Circuit Information
      When you select the
      Override VPN Keep-Alive
      check box, it implies that VPN keep-alive values configured for circuits are considered, and values configured for circuit categories are ignored.
  5. For
    Controller Connections
    Application Reachability Probes
    , select
    , or
    Use Circuit Category Setting
    from the drop-down.
  6. Click

Configure VPN Keep-Alives for Secure Fabric Links

  1. From
    , select a branch site and click
    Overlay Connections
  2. Select an overlay from either
    , or
  3. On
    Secure Fabric Link
    screen, click the edit icon and select the
    Enable VPN Configs
    check box.
  4. For
    Keep-Alive Failure Count
    , enter a value between 3 and 30.
    The keep-alive failure count indicates the number of consecutive missed keep-alive packets before a link is declared as down. The default value is 3.
  5. For
    Keep-Alive Interval
    , enter a value between 100 ms and 600000 ms.
    The keep-alive interval indicates the time interval in milliseconds between two VPN keep-alive packets. The default value is 1000 ms.
  6. Click

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