Update to the risk score range in SaaS Security Inline
For consistency in how risk scores are presented across Palo Alto
Networks products, the risk score range in SaaS Security Inline
has changed from the range of 1-10 to the range of 1-5. The
Discovered Applications view, Application Detail view, and
Application Dictionary in SaaS Security Inline now reflect this
change to risk scores.
The following list describes the new risk scores for high,
medium, and low, relative to the previous risk scores.
New Risk Score 4-5 (previously 8-10): High Risk —
Very likely to be a risk. New Risk Score 3 (previously 4-7): Medium Risk —
Represents a moderate risk. New Risk Score 1-2 (previously 1-3): Low Risk —
Unlikely to be a risk.
If you previously changed the default risk
score for a SaaS application, your new risk score,
relative to the default risk score, is preserved. However, the
new risk score that you assigned is now adjusted to the new
range. For example, if you previously changed a risk score from
the default 9 to the score 6, the application's risk score is
now 3.