Monitored Mobile Users - User Experience
Autonomous DEM

Monitored Mobile Users - User Experience

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Monitored Mobile Users - User Experience

The Monitored Mobile Users User Experience tab provides a summary view of all the user experiences in the network and shows how the experience is trending during the selected Time Range. You can also see detailed experience information for each monitored user. This is often where you will want to start if you have users reporting performance issues.

Overall Stats

See the overall statistics for all of the users and devices across your organization to see how the performance is trending.
The number of Users shown in this widget is the total number of users that were logged in during the specified Time Range. Hovering over the trend line tells you how many users out of the total number of users were monitored at that specific time.

Experience Score

The experience score will also give you an indication of the overall digital experience for the user.For each application that is monitored per mobile user, ADEM calculates a score based on the 5 critical metrics - application availability, DNS resolution time, TCP connect time, SSL connect time, and the HTTP latency. If the application fails the availability test (application is unavailable), then the experience score is 0. If the application is reachable, only then the remaining four metrics will be calculated. Each of the above metrics (other than application reachability) have a different weightage and baselined lower and upper thresholds, and their combined weightage equals 100. The sum of these individual metric scores determines the application experience score for a user. An average of all the test sample results for each application determines the experience score of a user.
This widget shows you the consolidated experience score with a breakdown of Good, Fair, and Poor experiences by number of user devices. You can drill down into users experiencing fair or poor performance to begin investigating. To do so, click the User Devices link under Fair or Poor.
Click on the <number> User Devices link under Fair or Poor in this widget to drill down into users experiencing fair or poor performance to begin investigating.

Monitored Mobile User Devices

This widget lists the experience score of all unique users.
Review the list of Monitored Users to see details about the digital experience of your licensed DEM users, including their average experience score and trend line, location, device type, and service provider. This will help you identify issues that might be affecting a group of users, such as users in a specific location.
If you have particular users you want to be able to monitor more proactively, such as the members of your C-suite, click on the star next to their names to add them as top monitored users on the Summary page.
To investigate issues reported by a specific user, click on the corresponding User Name. Immediately when you drill down, alerts at the top of the page highlight any experience issues the specific user is having, such as low device memory or high CPU usage.
Monitored Users are defined as the unique number of User/Device combination. For example, if 2 users are logged in to 3 devices each, the Devices count will display as 6 and the Users count will display as 2. Likewise, if 2 users are using the same device, the Devices count will display 1 and the Users count will display 2. The Monitored Mobile Users Devices table on the Monitored Mobile Users page displays each User/Device combination as a separate row, hence the user name could be duplicated across multiple rows depending on the number of devices he/she is logged in to.
Column NameDescription
User NameThe user name of the device owner
Computer NameDevice name
DevicesOperating system running on the device
Avg. Experience ScoreAverage experience score over the selected Time Range. Refer to Time Range Filter for details on how many datapoints are taken into consideration for each time range duration.
User LocationLocation of the device.
Prisma Access LocationsThe Prisma Access location which the device is connecting to.
Service ProviderThe name of the service provider that the device is using.
Self-Serve NotificationsIs the Self-Serve notification enabled/disabled for all mobile users.
Total NotificationsTotal Self-Serve notifications by type that the device has received in the time selected. For users with multiple devices, notifications are shown separately for each device in a separate row.