Calculating Experience Score for Remote Sites
Autonomous DEM

Calculating Experience Score for Remote Sites

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Calculating Experience Score for Remote Sites

ADEM discovers the various paths to be monitored based on the application forwarding policies configured on Prisma SD-WAN devices. ADEM runs synthetics test on all active and backup paths per application and calculates the experience score per path, per application, and per site which rolls up from all remote site as organization experience score.
Remote Site Experience Score
The remote site experience score is an average of all test sample results that are collected from individual applications monitored for that remote site.
Organization Experience Score
The organization experience score for remote sites is an average of all test sample results that are collected from individual applications monitored on all remote sites.
Experience Score for each Path
For each path (active and backup path) which is discovered by ADEM based on the application forwarding policy configured on Prisma SD-WAN devices, ADEM collects the following metrics:
  • Application reachability
  • DNS resolution time
  • TCP connect time
  • SSL connect time
  • HTTP latency
Each of the above metrics (other than application reachability) have a different scores and baselined lower and upper thresholds, and their combined score equals 100. The sum of these individual metric scores determines the experience score for each path. If the application reachability is zero then the experience score for that path will also be zero. If the application is reachable, only then the remaining four metrics will be calculated.
Application Experience Score
The application experience score per remote site is an average of test samples collected from all active paths. For example, if an application for a remote site is monitored on two active and two backup paths, the average of test sample results from all active paths will be considered as an experience score for that application monitored on that remote site.

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