Table of Contents

Monitor Probes

Steps to monitor probes and flow data
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active
    Prisma SD-WAN
  • Physical and virtual ION devices running software version 6.3.1 and higher.
Monitor the probe health of a circuit and flow data.
  1. To view the
    Probe Health
    of a circuit, go to
    Strata SD-WAN
    Branch Sites
    Prisma SD-WAN
    1. Select the
      Branch Site Name
      and click on the
      you wish to view the probe health.
    2. Expand the
      name to view the circuits where the probes were applied. It provides information on the endpoint, protocol, RTT, Loss, Jitter, Transaction Failure Rate and Init Failure Rate.
    1. Select a path to view the
      Probe Details
      such as Latency, Jitter, and Packet Loss by filtering by
      Time Range
  2. To view the performance policy probes in flow data, go to
    Strata SD-WAN
    Branch Sites
    Prisma SD-WAN
    1. Select a site to view the
      data and select any flow to view detailed information on the attributes of the flow.
    2. Flow Decision Data provides a detailed per flow account for all aspects of the app session, including the actions taken to meet the configured performance policy probes SLAs and also lists any SLA violations.

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