Table of Contents

Transaction Stats

Statistics on TCP flows, including initiation and transaction successes and failures for a specific application or all applications on a specific path.
Transaction Stats
chart provides transaction statistics on TCP flows, including initiation/transaction successes and failures for a specific application or all applications, a particular path or all paths, and all health events.
It measures the performance and availability of networks and applications that run on network paths. For each request on a given path,
Prisma SD-WAN
monitors, in real-time, the transaction error rates for initiation and data transfer transactions.
From the
Transaction Stats
chart, view the list of
by their bandwidth utilization or by path. You can filter out successful transactions to get a granular view of transaction failure stats.
The chart displays the count of successful or failed transactions for the following categories:
  • Init Sucessful
    —Successful completion of the three-way handshake.
  • TXNs Sucessful
    —Successful transfer of data after the completion of the three-way handshake.
  • Init Failure
    —Failure to complete the three-way handshake. Reasons for failure may include a misconfiguration firewall, an application server issue, a misconfiguration network access control list, or a WAN network provider issue.
  • TXNs Failure
    —Unsuccessful transfer of data after the completion of the three-way handshake. Reasons for failure can include a mis-configured firewall, an application server issue, a mis-configured network access control list, or a WAN network provider issue.

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