User Details
When you select a user, you can drill down into the details for the user as the
number of devices that the user is logged into and the applications that the user is using.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
- Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
- Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
- Strata Cloud Manager
- Prisma Access license
- Autonomous DEM license
The User Details page provides a user view for a single Mobile
User. If a user is logged into more than one device, the Devices
widget displays one card for each device that the user is logged in to. Select a tile to
view the user experience on that device. You can see the overall application experience
score across the organization in the device tile. View the experience score trend over
the selected time range for each of the monitored application on that device under
When you select an application, if there are
multiple targets set up for the application test, you get a list of all the application
targets for that application test under Targets. You have the
ability to see aggregated (across all targets set up for the test) as well as
non-aggregated (for each individual target) views of the application tests for any
application for Mobile Users and for Remote Sites.
If you have purchased the Zoom Quality of Service Subscription (QSS) as an add-on from
Zoom, and you select Zoom from the Applications list, you see two
tabs below that contain various widgets. The Synthetics tab shows
you the generic app experience that you see for any application (not just Zoom) that is
selected in the Applications box. The Zoom specific data is
presented in the Zoom Performance Analysis tab. The
Application Experience Trend widget displays data for the
selected app across your organization relative to all other monitored apps.
By default, the data shown in the widgets on this
page is the aggregated view of all application test targets. The Current
Source Path tells you whether the data displayed in the widgets on this
page is data for the Application or a specific test Target.
Use the search bar in the
Applications pane to search for an application.