dump routing cache
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dump routing cache
Use the dump routing cache command
to display the routing information stored in cache.
dump routing cache ( all | interface name | bypassfib | interfacefib | staticroute | networks | bgpcache | counters | queueinfo | globalinfo | reginfo | lanadvprefix | wanadvprefix | discoveredprefixset)
all | Enter all to display routes of all BGP peers. |
interface | Enter interface to display routing cache for all interfaces. |
bypassfib | Enter bypassfib to display bypass interface (LAN) forward information base (FIB) cache. |
interfacefib | Enter interfacefib to display interface FIB cache. |
staticroute | Enter staticroute to display routing cache for static routes. |
networks | Enter networks to display routing cache for LAN networks and other connected networks. |
bgpcache | Enter bgpcache to display routing cache for all BGP peers. |
counters | Enter counters to display routing cache counters. |
queueinfo | Enter queueinfo to display routing cache for message queue counters. |
globalinfo | Enter globalinfo to display global BGP configuration settings. |
reginfo | Enter reginfo to display registration information of the ION device. |
lanadvprefix | Enter lanadvprefix to display LAN prefix information of the ION device. |
wanadvprefix | Enter wanadvprefix to display WAN prefix information of the ION device. |
discoveredprefixset | Enter discoveredprefixset to display discovered prefix set information of the ION device. |
Command Notes
Role | Super, Read Only, Monitor |
Related Commands | — |
Introduced in | Release 5.0.1 |
dump routing cache interface Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Interface Cache ++++++++++++++++ { "eth5": { "v6_addr": "2001:25:1:1:1::2", "mask": 24, "is_dpdk": true, "device": "eth5", "secondary_ipv4_addresses": null, "id": "1648470841543023896", "label": null, "state": "up", "path_ids": [], "mac_address": "00:50:56:ab:e0:d4", "scope": "local", "v6routes": [ { "destination": "::/0", "metric": 0, "via": "2001:25:1:1:1::1" } ], "extended_state": null, "type_specific_form": "port", "rt_installed": true, "form": "static", "directed_broadcast": false, "members": [], "v4_addr": "", "v6form": "static", "rt6_installed": true, "v6mask": 64, "name": "5", "idx": 7, "is_update_inprogress": false, "last_state_change": "2022-04-13T05:52:38.129660007Z", "used_for": "private", "routes": [ { "destination": "", "metric": 0, "via": "" } ], "lan_nws": [] }, -------------------------
dump routing cache interface Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Interface Cache ++++++++++++++++ { "eth8": { "v6_addr": "2001:10:2:105::101", "mask": 24, "is_dpdk": true, "device": "eth8", "secondary_ipv4_addresses": null, "id": "16281763161220210", "label": "publicwan", "state": "up", "path_ids": [ "1654868757030024296" ], "mac_address": "00:50:56:95:f8:87", "scope": "local", "v6routes": [ { "destination": "::/0", "metric": 0, "via": "2001:10:2:105::1" } ], "extended_state": null, "type_specific_form": "port", "rt_installed": true, "form": "static", "directed_broadcast": false, "autoconf_routes": [], "members": [], "v4_addr": "", "v6form": "static", "rt6_installed": true, "tenant_ctx": null, "v6mask": 64, "name": "8", "idx": 10, "is_update_inprogress": false, "last_state_change": "2023-03-23T09:42:35.351803509Z", "used_for": "public", "endpoint_id": "16281763161220210", "routes": [ { "destination": "", "metric": 0, "via": "" } ], "lan_nws": [] }, ,... dump routing cache interfacefib Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Interface FIB Cache ++++++++++++++++ … … … Interface FIB6 Cache ++++++++++++++++ { "eth8": { "status": true, "prefixes": { "2001:10:2:105::/64": { "type": "C", "prefix": "2001:10:2:105::/64", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:105::1", "cost": "0", "ad": "0" }, "::/0": { "type": "S", "prefix": "::/0", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:105::1", "cost": "0", "ad": "5" } }, "tenant_ctx": null, "last_update_timestamp": 1679564885429, "timestamp": 1679564885261 }, "eth7": { "status": true, "prefixes": { "::/0": { "type": "S", "prefix": "::/0", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:65::2", "cost": "0", "ad": "5" }, "3001:10:2:202::/64": { "type": "S", "prefix": "3001:10:2:202::/64", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:65::2", "cost": "0", "ad": "1" }, "2001:10:2:65::/64": { "type": "C", "prefix": "2001:10:2:65::/64", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:65::2", "cost": "0", "ad": "0" } }, "tenant_ctx": null, "last_update_timestamp": 1680235916683, "timestamp": 1680235916588 }, dump routing cache staticroute Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Static Routes ++++++++++++++++ "1680235917646018796": { "address_family": "ipv6", "_etag": 1, "scope": "local", "destination_prefix": "2001:10:2:72::/64", "nexthop_reachability_probe": false, "id": "1680235917646018796", "nexthops": [ { "nexthop_interface_id": "", "nexthop_ip": "2001:10:2:68::2", "self": false, "admin_distance": 1 } ] }, BR-SITE2-ELEM1# dump routing cache networks Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== -------------------------- LAN networks ++++++++++++++++ "{}" -------------------------- -------------------------- Connected networks ++++++++++++++++ "{\"\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16281763158650203\", \"if_name\": \"eth6\"}, \"2001:10:2: 64::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16795645794616730\", \"if_name\": \"eth4\"}, \"\": {\ "scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16281763161220210\", \"if_name\": \"eth8\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"lo cal\", \"id\": \"16281763166650231\", \"if_name\": \"eth7\"}, \"2001:10:2:105::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \ "id\": \"16795645735984300\", \"if_name\": \"eth8\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"1628 1763164550224\", \"if_name\": \"eth3\"}, \"2001:20:20:20::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"167956457882 29290\", \"if_name\": \"eth3\"}, \"2001:10:2:68::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16800675904492372\", \"if_name\": \"eth6\"}, \"3000:192:168:100::/64\": {\"scope\": \"global\", \"id\": \"16795654682625540\", \"if _name\": \"eth1\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16281763155550196\", \"if_name\": \"eth 4\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"global\", \"id\": \"16281763172250245\", \"if_name\": \"eth1\"}, \"2 001:10:2:65::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16795645731871870\", \"if_name\": \"eth7\"}}"