inspect flow-detail
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inspect flow-detail
Use the inspect flow-detail command
to inspect the details on active flows and to debug current flows
matching the user-specified options. It displays existing flows
and their path, and whether the path is in established or initialized
inspect flow-detail (all | [prot-nm=( udp | tcp | icmp ) |prot-no=0-255] | srcv4=src-ipv4 | srcv6=src-ipv6 | srcport=src-port | dstv4=dst-ipv4 | dstv6=dst-ipv6 | dstport=dst-port )
srcv4 | Enter the source IP address. |
dstv4 | Enter the destination IP address. |
srcv6 | Enter the source IP address. Release 6.2.1 |
dstv6 | Enter the destination IP address. Release 6.2.1 |
srcport | Enter the source port. |
dstport | Enter the destination port. |
prot-nm | Tab to select UDP, TCP, or ICMP. |
prot-no | Enter a protocol number ranging from 0 - 255. |
Command Notes
Role | Super, Read Only |
Related Commands | — |
Introduced in | Release 4.4.1 |
inspect flow detail VRF SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH yellow 8 0 1 2023-10-10 04:22:57 unknown enterprise-default 1696395771321023828 lan_to_public_vpn TRAFFIC: xact PRIORITY: 2 DSCP: -- STATE: ESTABLISHED IDLE: 20 IFACE: v-eth6 RX_VRF: yellow (965) FWD_VRF: yellow (965) LEAK_VRF: Global (0) NET-POLICY:: NCTX-ID: none SPF-ID: none DPF-ID: 1681410079845017228 UG-INFO: any PRI-POLICY:: NCTX-ID: none SPF-ID: none DPF-ID: 1681410079905017328 UG-INFO: any SEC-RULE-IDS: none
inspect flow detail SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH 8 0 1 2021-08-11 01:21:02 icmp-ping Rule 1 icmp-ping-Policy Rule1-Set2-20 ALLOW 16261257799450062 lan_to_public_vpn TRAFFIC: xact PRIORITY: 2 DSCP: -- STATE: ESTABLISHED IDLE: 20 IFACE: ethr3,tnl-1,bwc_in_1 NET-POLICY:: NCTX-ID: none SPF-ID: none DPF-ID: none PRI-POLICY:: NCTX-ID: none SPF-ID: none DPF-ID: none SEC-RULE-IDS: 16246315738930189
inspect flow detail SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH 8 0 1 2022-12-15 09:09:21 ping match icmp test default user allow any other user ALLOW 1665475784156002328 unknown_flow_path TRAFFIC: xact PRIORITY: 3 DSCP: -- STATE: INIT IDLE: 20 IFACE: NET-POLICY:: NCTX-ID: none SPF-ID: none DPF-ID: none UG-INFO: 158622979242302240[CN=engineering,DC=sdwanamsteltest,DC=onmicrosoft,DC=com] PRI-POLICY:: NCTX-ID: none SPF-ID: none DPF-ID: none UG-INFO: 1674636535551001928[sdwanamsteltest\] SEC-RULE-IDS: 1667810313551011228