: inspect performance-policy incidents

inspect performance-policy incidents

Table of Contents

inspect performance-policy incidents

Use the
inspect performance-policy incidents
command to inspect the incident summary and details of the link quality circuits for performance policies and identify potential system related health alarms.


inspect performance-policy incidents type ( link-quality circuit=
Circuit ID
<summary | details> | system-health health-type = < cpu | memory | disk > | circuit-health circuit =
Circuit ID


Enter circuit ID to inspect the performance policy incidents summary.
Enter circuit ID to inspect the performance policy incidents summary details.
Enter the circuit type for which the incident was raised to view incident information for the circuit. These include bandwidth utilization, monitoring approach and raise above and clear below values.
circuitID: Enter the circuit ID to identify the circuit for which the incident is raised.
Release 6.4.1
Enter the system type for which the incident was raised. The information includes CPU, memory, and disk information of the system.
Release 6.4.1

Command Notes

Super, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in
Release 6.3.1


inspect performance-policy incidents type link-quality circuit=1697698664341010637 details ======================================== Circuit ID : 1697698664341010637 ======================================== Policy Rule : Filters (1701923892838000737) Policy Set : Hello (1701923835766003137) Idle Since : 0 Minutes EMA (Bad samples percent) : 0.000000 Alarm Standing : false Monitored Paths : Path ID : 1702032497450001537 Raise Alarm Above : 70 Clear Alarm Below : 50 Monitoring Approach : MODERATE Current Bucket Stats : Monitored Paths : Path ID : 1702032497450001537 Bad Paths : First Sample At : 11 Dec 2023 09:27:45 Last Sample At : 11 Dec 2023 09:30:06 Previous Bucket Stats : NA inspect performance-policy incidents type link-quality circuit=1697698664341010637 summary
inspect performance-policy incidents type link-quality circuit=1697698664341010637 summary ======================================== Circuit ID : 1697698664341010637 ======================================== Policy Rule : Filters (1701923892838000737) Policy Set : Hello (1701923835766003137) EMA (Bad samples percent) : 0.000000 Alarm Standing : false Monitored Paths : Path ID : 1702032497450001537
inspect performance-policy incidents type system-health health-type=cpu details System Type : CPU ======================================== Policy Rule : CPUUtilization123 (1712646980313000337) Policy Set : TestPolicySet (1711686637498019637) Idle Since : 0 Minutes EMA (Bad samples percent) : 0.000000 Alarm Standing : false Raise Alarm Above : 70 Clear Alarm Below : 50 Monitoring Approach : MODERATE Current Bucket Stats : Bad Samples : Sample : 33.757069 % Sample : 33.284089 % First Sample At : 25 Apr 2024 13:59:35 Last Sample At : 25 Apr 2024 14:00:35 Previous Bucket Stats : NA
inspect performance-policy incidents type site-health circuit=ChennaiPublicSWI1 details Circuit : ChennaiPublicSWI1 (1705120337130021137) ======================================== Policy Rule : CPUUtilization123 (1712646980313000337) Policy Set : TestPolicySet (1711686637498019637) Idle Since : 0 Minutes EMA (Bad samples percent) : 0.000000 Alarm Standing : false Raise Alarm Above : 70 Clear Alarm Below : 50 Monitoring Approach : MODERATE Current Bucket Stats : Bad Samples : Sample : 4.029699% (Uplink BW Util), 8.512731% (Downlink BW Util) Sample : 40.768729% (Uplink BW Util), 0.021723% (Downlink BW Util) First Sample At : 25 Apr 2024 13:59:35 Last Sample At : 25 Apr 2024 14:01:34 Previous Bucket Stats : NA

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