: Limitations for Moving and Acquiring Tenants Through Common Services

Limitations for Moving and Acquiring Tenants Through Common Services

Table of Contents

Limitations for Moving and Acquiring Tenants Through
Common Services

Learn about the limitations and caveats for moving internal tenants and acquiring external tenants through
Common Services
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Tenant or tenant service group (TSG)
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
  • The
  • Prisma Access
  • Superuser or Multitenant Superuser role on the source and target tenants
The following limitations exist for managed security service providers (MSSP) or distributed enterprises moving internal tenants and acquiring external tenants.
  • You can acquire only the top-most, root-level, parent tenant hierarchies. You cannot acquire intermediate tenants within a hierarchy.
  • You can't acquire tenant hierarchies with Service Provider Backbone enabled in the hierarchy.
  • It's not recommended that a tenant hierarchy without a Service Provider Backbone enabled be acquired into a tenant with a Service Provider Backbone enabled. The action isn't blocked, but can have inconsistent results.
  • You can't acquire a tenant hierarchy with
    Prisma SD-WAN
    licenses in the hierarchy at this time.
  • Users with access to a tenant that acquires a new target tenant will gain access to the target tenant through inheritance.
  • Tenant support contacts won't be changed during a move.
  • A tenant with no support contact will inherit the new owner's contact.
  • If a tenant is using a shared Cloud Identity Engine instance, you can't acquire it until the shared instance is removed.
  • A tenant will keep all custom role definitions created on it.
  • All service accounts created on a given tenant will stay with that tenant after being moved.
  • If some but not all contact email addresses provided are valid tenant users, they will still receive the approval request email. Invalid emails will be ignored.
  • Invalid acquisition requests will fail silently, they will look like successful requests to keep tenant information secret from the user.

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