Deploy the GlobalProtect App on Android Endpoints Using Microsoft Intune

Deploy the GlobalProtect App on Android Endpoints Using Microsoft Intune

Table of Contents

Deploy the GlobalProtect App on Android Endpoints Using Microsoft Intune

Deploy the GLobalProtect app.
In this section, you deploy the GlobalProtect app on your Android endpoints using Microsoft Intune.
For a demonstration of how to complete the prerequisites for enrolling your Android device on Intune, watch this video.

  1. Click AppsAll apps and then click Add.
  2. Set App to Managed Google Play app and click Select.
  3. Select GlobalProtect and then click Sync at the top left of the page.
  4. Click Refresh to display the newly added app.
  5. To use certificates for authentication, refer to the Certificates section in the Microsoft Intune documentation.
    For the always on connect method, certificates are the preferred mode of authentication.