a Large-Scale User-ID Deployment
When deciding whether to use Windows Log Forwarding
and Global Catalog servers for your User-ID implementation, consult
your system administrator to determine:
Bandwidth required for domain
controllers to forward login events to member servers. The bandwidth
is a multiple of the login rate (number of logins per minute) of
the domain controllers and the byte size of each login event.
controllers won’t forward their entire security logs; they forward
only the events that the user mapping process requires per login:
three events for Windows Server 2003 or four events for Windows
Server 2008/2012 and MS Exchange.
Whether the following network elements support the required
Domain controllers—Must support the processing
load associated with forwarding the events.
Member Servers—Must support the processing load associated
with receiving the events.
Connections—The geographic distribution (local or remote)
of the domain controllers, member servers, and Global Catalog servers
is a factor. Generally, a remote distribution supports less bandwidth.