Data Security
Strata Cloud Manager

Data Security

Table of Contents

Data Security

Review the data provided by the Data Security view.
The Data Security view shows all the sensitive data detected across your network and various connected SaaS applications. You can use this to monitor and identify high risk sensitive data flows in your organization.
Data Security Licenses
  • Data Security licenses, including:
    • SaaS Security license
    • Data Security license
    • Enterprise DLP license

Central Data Security View

The central Data Security view provides the sensitive and high risk data map across your network and connected SaaS applications. The command center gives you insight into sensitive data users in the organization, the specific sanctioned, unsanctioned, tolerated, or untagged applications where there is sensitive data activity detected (asset upload, download, or assets exposed) as well as number of assets allowed, blocked, quarantined, revoked sharing or exposed.
The lines in the central Data Security view represent sensitive data being detected through data at rest and data in motion security solutions, with the thickness of the lines representing the quantity of data and the color representing whether that data has been flagged or classified as critical, high, medium, or low risk.

Security Subscriptions

The Security Subscriptions widget gives you a view into your Data Security Subscriptions, which ones are active, and a snapshot of how they are securing your network.
DLP InlineEnterprise DLP is a cloud-based service that uses supervised machine learning algorithms to sort sensitive documents into categories to guard against exposures, data loss, and data exfiltration.
SaaS InlineThe SaaS Inline solution works withStrata Logging Service to discover all the SaaS applications that are being used on your network.
SaaS APISaaS API is a cloud-based service you can connect directly to your sanctioned SaaS applications using the cloud app’s API and provide data classification, sharing or permission visibility, and threat detection within the application.
Posture SecuritySaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) helps detect and remediate misconfigured settings in sanctioned SaaS applications through continuous monitoring.
Email DLPEmail DLP is an add-on to Enterprise DLP that prevents exfiltration of emails containing sensitive information with AI/ML powered data detections.
Clicking on the Security Subscriptions widget (Command CenterView Security Subscriptions) gives you a detailed report of the status of your subscriptions in relation to your NGFW and Prisma Access deployments. Click Back to the Dashboard to return to the Data Security view.

Top Data Profiles

The Top Data Profiles widget shows the top data profiles detected across all the sensitive data inspected, the severity of the data profile as well as the number of asset matches detected inline with data in motion versus data at rest.
Click through to the Data Loss Prevention dashboard (ManageConfigurationData Loss Prevention) to review all predefined data profiles and add custom data profiles.

Data Trend

The Data Trend widget shows trend in sensitive data monitored by your data security subscriptions, organized by the percent change in total assets, data risks, and posture violations.
Click through to the Data Risk dashboard (ManageConfigurationData Loss PreventionData Risk) to understand your overall data risk score and review actionable recommendations to improve the data security posture of your organization.