: Send Vulnerabilities to SIEM

Send Vulnerabilities to SIEM

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Send Vulnerabilities to SIEM

Manually send device vulnerabilities from
IoT Security
Cortex XSOAR
to SIEM.
From the
IoT Security
portal, send a device vulnerability to SIEM from the Vulnerability Details page. You can also do this in the Actions menu in the Vulnerabilities section on the Device Details page.
By integrating
IoT Security
Cortex XSOAR
with a third-party SIEM server, XSOAR automatically exports data about devices, security alerts, and device vulnerability in periodic incremental updates from
IoT Security
to SIEM. Therefore, it might be unnecessary to send a vulnerability to SIEM manually. However, if you haven’t performed a bulk export to SIEM and you want to send a device vulnerability that wasn’t exported through the automatic incremental update process, then you can use this option to send it manually.
  1. Select a vulnerability to investigate.
    Log in to the
    IoT Security
    portal, click
    Vulnerability Overview
    All Vulnerabilities
    , click a vulnerability name, and then select the check box of an active instance that you want to investigate.
    The Send to SIEM panel appears.
  2. Add a comment.
    After you enter a comment, the Send button changes from gray to blue, indicating that you can proceed.
  3. Click
    After you click
    , a link appears. When you click it, a new browser window opens to the
    Cortex XSOAR
    playbook for this action.
    To confirm that the vulnerability was sent, click the link to the XSOAR playbook for this action.
    For the link in
    IoT Security
    to open the corresponding playbook in
    Cortex XSOAR
    , you must already be logged in to your XSOAR instance before clicking it.
    The green boxes in the playbook indicate that a particular step was successfully performed. Following the path through the playbook gives you feedback about whether an action was carried out successfully or, if not, where the process changed course.
    Also, the action “Sent to SIEM” appears in the Vulnerability Responses column. If you don’t see this column, click the Columns icon (
    ) and select
    Vulnerability Responses

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