WildFire Dashboard: Filters
Strata Cloud Manager

WildFire Dashboard: Filters

Table of Contents

WildFire Dashboard: Filters

Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW, including those funded by Software NGFW Credits
Each of these licenses include access to Strata Cloud Manager:
The other licenses and prerequisites needed for visibility are:
  • A role that has permission to view the dashboard
  • Advanced WildFire
  • Strata Logging Service
→ The features and capabilities available to you in Strata Cloud Manager depend on which license(s) you are using.
The WildFire dashboard provides a variety of filter options to narrow down on specific data from the dashboard.
  • Time range—Set the time-frame for which you want to display data. Select from the Last 24 hours, Past 7 days, Past 30 days, or custom time range.
  • Tenant Name—View the tenant for which the dashboard data is displayed.
  • Source—Scope the dashboard data from Prisma Access and Palo Alto Networks firewalls.
  • Samples—Select from the Public or Private option to view the data submitted from Wildfire public cloud or private cloud environment.
  • Verdict—View the samples that are identified as Benign, Malware, or Grayware in WildFire analysis.
  • Action—Select from the Allow or Block option to display the WildFire samples that is allowed or blocked by your policy rule.
  • File Type—View data based on the file type of the sample analyzed by WildFire. Learn about the supported file types for WildFire analysis.
  • File Hash—View the data for a file hash analyzed by WildFire. The following lists the hash versions that WildFire generates for each file analyzed:
    • SHA-1—View the SHA-1 value for the file.
    • SHA-256—View the SHA-256 value for the file.
    • MD5—View the MD5 information for the file.
  • App Name—Filter data based on the samples that are delivered by an application.
  • Source Region—Filter to view the samples that are sent from a specific location.
  • Destination Region—Filter to view the samples that are received in a specific location.
  • User Name—Enter the username to filter data for the user that is targeted to deliver the sample in your network.
  • Device Serial Number—Filter the data for the device that submitted the sample for WildFire analysis.