Add Trusted IPs
Strata Cloud Manager

Add Trusted IPs

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Add Trusted IPs

Learn how to add trusted IP addresses to Trusted IP Lists through Strata Cloud Manager.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • IAM role of Superuser, Multitenant Superuser, Multitenant IAM Admin, or any custom role with the Trusted IP List permission set
After you have activated your license, created your tenants, and managed user access to Strata Cloud Manager, you can further restrict access to your tenants by adding trusted IP addresses to a Trusted IP List. By default, any IP address is permitted to access Strata Cloud Manager.
You can add trusted IP addresses using two methods:
adding a single IP address
importing multiple IP addresses
in bulk using a CSV file. When adding IP addresses, adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Use CIDR notation for IPv4 addresses only.
  • For IP address pools (private address ranges), RFC 1918 and RFC 6598 compliant IP addresses are recommended.
  • Specify a single IP address (e.g., or an IP address range with a subnet mask (e.g.,
  • Subnet addresses are not supported. Use IP addresses or ranges only.
  • (Prisma Access only) Avoid overlapping with these reserved internal IP addresses:
    • and
When you add new IP addresses, Strata Cloud Manager automatically logs the user who performed the action. For auditing and visibility purposes, you can easily track this information in the Added By field field, which populates without any manual input.

Add a Single IP Address

  1. Select SettingsTrusted IP List.
  2. Search or scroll to find and select your tenant.
  3. Select Add New.
  4. Enter an IP Address that can access this tenant.
    Strata Cloud Manager validates the specified value to ensure they meet the IP address guidelines and displays any error.
  5. If there are no errors, Save.
    The change takes effect immediately, so make sure that your IP address is correct or you can lose access to the tenant.

Add IP Addresses in Bulk

  1. Select SettingsTrusted IP List.
  2. Search or scroll to find and select your tenant.
  3. Select Bulk Add.
  4. Upload the CSV file containing the list of IP addresses. If necessary, you can download a sample CSV template.
  5. Select Add IPs.
    Strata Cloud Manager validates the specified values to ensure it meets the IP address guidelines and displays any errors.
    You can also click See Details to download the list of IP addresses and the corresponding error in CSV format.
  6. If there are no errors, Save.
    The change takes effect immediately, so make sure that your IP address is correct or you can lose access to the tenant.