Table of Contents

Policies - Hash Control

The following table displays the hash control logs you can forward to an external logging platform or email.
Event Name
Hash Added
A hash was added to the ESM Server cache.
Verdict Changed - Any to Any
A hash verdict has changed to malicious.
Verdict Changed - Any to Malware
A hash verdict has changed to malicious.
Verdict Changed - Awaiting Analysis to Any
A file that was sent to WildFire for analysis has received a verdict.
Verdict Changed - Malware to Any
The verdict of a hash has changed from malicious to a new verdict.
Verdict Changed - No Connection to Any
The verdict of a hash has changed from no connection to a new verdict.
Verdict Changed - Unknown to Any
The verdict of a hash has changed from unknown to a new verdict.
Hashes Imported
An administrator has imported one or more hashes into the server cache.
Verdict Changed - Manual Override
An administrator manually set a verdict for hash.
Verdict Changed - Reverted To WildFire
An administrator reverted a verdict to the official WildFire verdict.