Table of Contents

Recheck a WildFire Decision

If you suspect that WildFire has changed the verdict of a file, you can force the ESM Server to query WildFire for the verdict. If the WildFire response indicates a change to the verdict, the ESM Server updates the verdict in its local server cache. Then, at the next heartbeat communication with Traps agents, the ESM Server communicates the verdict to endpoints on which a user has tried to open the executable file.
  1. From the ESM Console, select PoliciesMalwareHash Control.
  2. To view the WildFire verdict for a specific hash, do either of the following:
    • Use the search at the top of the page to search for a hash value or process name.
    • Use the paging controls on the top right of each page to view different portions of the table.
  3. Select the hash record to view additional details about the process hash and then click Recheck. To recheck multiple records at the same time, select the check box for each hash record, and then select Recheck with WildFire from the action menu
    . These actions initiate an immediate query to WildFire.