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Export and Import Hashes

The Hash Control page displays information about the hashes and the verdicts associated with all executable files that users or machines have tried to open on your endpoints. Use the export function from the action menu
to back up hash records before migrating or upgrading to a new server or before deploying hash records to multiple independent servers. You can export hash records on a global or individual basis and save them to an XML file. Importing hash records appends any new hashes to the existing Hash Control table.
  • Export hashes.
    1. From the ESM Console, select PoliciesMalwareHash Control.
    2. Select the check box next to the record(s) you want to export.
    3. From the action menu
      at the top of the table, select Export Selected.
      The ESM Console saves the selected hash records to an XML file.
  • Manually create a CSV file of hash records.
    1. In a text editor of your choice, create a new comma separated values (CSV) file.
      In a CSV file, you enter data in a structured table-like format where each entry is separated by a comma.
      The ESM Console requires that each entry in the CSV file be enclosed by quotes. Because Microsoft Excel strips the quotes that are required around each value in the file, we recommend that you use an alternate editor to create or edit your file.
    2. In your CSV file, enter the table headers for the hash value (SHA256), the file name (Path), and Verdict. Use commas to separate each entry.
    3. Create an entry for one or more hashes.
      Each entry must be on its own line and contain the hash value, path, and verdict. Enclose each hash value, path and verdict in quotes and separate the entries with commas. The path must also include the full file name and a .exe suffix.
    4. Save your changes.
  • Manually create an XML file of hash records.
    1. In a text editor of your choice, create a new XML file.
    2. Edit the file to contain the following XML schema declaration and elements.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
      <ns1:ArrayOfHashProcessItem xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="">
      Each hash record is identified by the HashProcessItem element and requires a ProcessName and Hash value. You can also optionally specify a verdict (Result).
    3. Add the SHA256 value for the Hash, the name of the file in ProcessName, and optionally a verdict, either Benign or Malware, in Result.
    4. To add additional hash records, copy the syntax for a HashProcessItem and paste it before the closing ArrayOfHashProcessItem element for each additional record. Then edit the values as described in the previous step.
      When you are done, your XML will look similar to the following output but contain the Hash values and ProcessName for each file.
    5. Save your changes.
  • Import hashes.
    1. From the ESM Console, select PoliciesMalwareHash Control.
    2. Select Import Hashes from the action menu
      at the top of the table.
    3. Select whether you want to Import hashes only (Recommended) or Import hashes and verdicts. If you choose the latter option, the ESM Console overrides the WildFire verdict with the verdict you specify in your input file.
    4. Browse to the XML file containing the hashes and then Upload the file.