Table of Contents

Manage Data Collected by Traps

To manage data collected by Traps, you can configure an action rule that runs only one time on the endpoint; after the Traps agent performs the action once, it will not repeat the action. To perform the same action again, Duplicate the action from the
  1. Create a new action rule.
    and then
    a new rule.
  2. Configure the tasks you want to perform on the Traps data stored on the endpoints.
    Agent Data
    and then select any of the following options to manage Traps agent data.
    • Clear history
      —Each endpoint stores a history of security prevention events. Select this option to clear historical data files from the Traps Console.
    • Erase memory dumps
      —Memory dumps are records of the contents of system memory when a prevention event occurs. Select this option to erase the system memory records from target objects.
    • Erase quarantined files
      —When a security event occurs on an endpoint, Traps captures memory dumps and recent files associated with the event and stores (quarantines) them in the forensic folder on the endpoint. Select this option to delete the files associated with the security event from the target objects.
    • Retrieve collected data from the agent
      —Traps collects security event history, memory dumps, and other information associated with a security event. Select this option to retrieve all the information saved from all events that occurred on the endpoint. After this rule runs, the Traps agent sends all the data related to the prevention event, including a memory dump of the protected process, to the designated forensic folder.
    • Retrieve collected logs from the agent
      —Traps collects detailed application trace logs and stores information about processes and applications that run on the endpoint. Use the log file to debug an issue with an application or investigate a specific problem captured in the log. Select this option to create an action rule that retrieves all the application trace information for an endpoint. After this rule runs, the Traps agent sends all the logs to the forensic folder.
  3. (
    ) Add Conditions to the rule. By default, a new rule does not contain any conditions.
    To specify a condition, select the
    tab, select the condition in the Conditions list, and then
    it to the Selected Conditions list. Repeat this step to add more conditions, as needed. You can also define new Conditions.
  4. (
    ) Define the Target Objects to which to apply the rule.
    To define a smaller subset of target objects, select the
    tab, and then enter one or more
    AD Users
    AD Computers
    AD Groups
    AD Organizational Unit
    Existing Endpoints
    , or
    Existing Groups
    in the Include or Exclude areas. The Endpoint Security Manager queries Active Directory to verify the users, computers, groups, or organizational units. The ESM Console also offers autocompletion as you type for existing endpoints and existing virtual groups.
  5. (
    ) Review the rule name and description. The ESM Console automatically generates the rule name and description based on the rule details but permits you to change these fields, if needed.
    To override the autogenerated name, select the
    tab, clear the
    Activate automatic description
    option, and then enter a rule name and description of your choice.
  6. Save the action rule.
    Do either of the following:
    • Save
      the rule without activating it. This option is only available for inactive, cloned, or new rules. When you are ready to activate the rule, select the rule from the
      page and then click
    • Apply
      the rule to activate it immediately.
    After saving or applying a rule, you can return to the
    page at any time to
    the rule.
  7. Next steps...
    • View the status of the rule
      —After creating the action rule, you can view its status from the
      page. The status displays the number of agents that successfully completed the action and the number of agents that failed to complete the action.
    • Duplicate the rule
      —From the
      page, select the rule and click
      . The ESM Console uses the settings from the rule you selected to populate a new rule. You can then change the scope of the rule by applying it to different target objects or leave it as is to run it again with the same settings; Then,
      the rule as described in the previous step.
    • Retrieve data
      —If you created an action rule to retrieve data from the endpoint, select
      Data Retrieval
      to view the
      Upload State
      of all data uploads. After the Traps agent completes the data upload, this page displays the event along with a link which allows you to
      the data.

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