Quality of Service in Prisma Access

Quality of Service in Prisma Access

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Quality of Service in Prisma Access

Quality of Service ( QoS) is a set of technologies that work on a network to guarantee its ability to dependably run high-priority applications and traffic under limited network capacity. You can configure QoS in Prisma Access to prioritize business-critical traffic or traffic that requires low latency, such as VoIP or videoconferencing. You can also reserve a minimum amount of bandwidth for business-critical applications.
Prisma Access uses the same QoS profiles and supports the same Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) markings as next-generation Palo Alto Networks firewalls. However, the configuration process is different than configuring QoS on next-generation firewalls, in particular when your deployment allocates bandwidth by compute location.
Prisma Access can either mark ingress traffic using a security policy or it can honor DSCP markings set by your organization's on-premises device.
Prisma Access for Clean Pipe also supports QoS.
Use the following sections to learn how QoS works, including examples, and how to configure it.

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