Configure Prisma Access for Networks—Allocating Bandwidth by Compute Location

Configure Prisma Access for Networks—Allocating Bandwidth by Compute Location

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Configure Prisma Access for Networks—Allocating Bandwidth by Compute Location

Configure a Prisma Access remote network deployment that allocates bandwidth by compute location.
To configure a Prisma Access remote network deployment that allocates bandwidth by compute location, complete the following steps.
If you need to onboard many remote networks (up to 1,000), you can onboard a remote network using the following procedure, then export the remote network configuration to a CSV file, add the other remote networks you want to onboard to the CSV file, then import the CSV file to save the configuration into Prisma Access.
  1. Select
    Cloud Services
    Remote Networks
    and edit the settings by clicking the gear icon in the
    1. In the Templates section,
      any templates that contain configuration you want to push to Prisma Access for networks. For example, if you have existing templates that contain your zone configurations, or IPSec tunnel, IKE Gateway, or crypto profile settings, you can add them to the predefined Remote_Network_Template_Stack to simplify the onboarding process.
      You can
      more than one template to the stack and then order them appropriately using
      Move Up
      Move Down
      . This is important because Panorama evaluates in the stack from top to bottom, with settings in templates higher in the stack taking priority over the same settings specified in templates lower in the stack. Note that you cannot move the default template from the top of the stack.
      Although you can add existing templates to the stack from the plugin, you cannot create a new template from the plugin. Instead, use the workflow to add a new template.
    2. Select the
      Parent Device Group
      for Prisma Access for remote networks. You can select an existing device group or use
      You will push all of the configuration—including the security policy, security profiles, and other policy objects (such as application groups and objects, and address groups), HIP objects and profiles and authentication policy—that Prisma Access for networks needs to enforce consistent policy to your remote network users using the device group hierarchy you specify here.
      You don’t need to define all of the policy that you will push to the remote network yet. Instead, configure the settings to onboard the remote site. You can then go back and add the templates and device groups with the complete configurations to push consistent policy out to your remote networks.
    3. (
      ) If you have configured a next-generation firewall as a master device or added a Cloud Identity Engine profile to make user and group information selectable in security policies, select
      User-ID Master Device
      Cloud Identity Engine
      ; then, select either the Master Device or the Cloud Identity Engine profile that you created.
    4. If you will be configuring remote networks that have overlapping subnets, select the
      Overlapped Subnets
      check box to enable outbound internet access for those locations.
      While configuring Remote Network Locations with Overlapping Subnets introduces some limitations, it is acceptable in some cases (for example, if you want to add a guest network at a retail store location).
  2. (
    ) Configure
    DNS Proxy
    settings for your remote network.
    Prisma Access allows you to specify DNS servers to resolve both domains that are internal to your organization and external domains. If you do not specify any settings, Prisma Access does not proxy DNS requests for remote networks.
    1. In the
      device group, select
      a security policy rule with an
      and an
      to allow DNS traffic.
      Without a security policy rule to allow DNS traffic, DNS resolution does not occur.
    2. If you configure Prisma Access to proxy the DNS requests from your remote networks, update the DNS settings on all the endpoints in that network to use the Prisma Access
      Remote Network DNS Proxy IP Address
      as the primary DNS server and use your DNS server as secondary DNS server. You can get this DNS proxy IP from
      Cloud Services
      Network Details
      Service Infrastructure
    3. Add
      one or more
      DNS Proxy
      settings, entering the following values:
      • Select a
        from the drop-down at the top of the window.
        to apply the DNS settings globally, select a specific theater, or select settings per location group (a group of locations that is smaller than the theater). If you add multiple settings, the location group settings are used first, then the theater settings, then the worldwide settings. Prisma Access evaluates the rules from top to bottom in the list.
      • Add
        one or more rules to configure the DNS settings for
        Internal Domains
        • Enter a unique
          Rule Name
          for the rule.
        • you want your internal DNS server to only resolve the domains you specify, enter the domains to resolve in the
          Domain List
          . Specify an asterisk in front of the domain; for example, * You can specify a maximum of 1,024 domain entries.
        • If you have a
          Custom DNS server
          that can access your internal domains, specify the
          Primary DNS
          Secondary DNS
          server IP addresses, or select
          Use Cloud Default
          to use the default Prisma Access DNS server.
      • Specify the DNS settings for
        Public Domains
        • Use Cloud Default
          —Use the default Prisma Access DNS server.
        • Same as Internal Domains
          —Use the same server that you use to resolve internal domains. When you select this option, the DNS Server used to resolve public domains is same as the server configured for the first rule in the
          Internal Domains
        • Custom DNS server
          —If you have a DNS server that can access your public (external) domains, enter the Primary DNS server address in that field.
        ) You can
        DNS Suffix
        to specify the suffix that the client should use locally when an unqualified hostname is entered that it cannot resolve, for example, acme.local. Do not enter a wildcard (*) character in front of the domain suffix (for example, You can add multiple suffixes.
      • If you want Prisma Access to proxy DNS requests, configure Configure values for the use for UDP queries (the
        to retry the query in seconds and the number of retry
        to perform).
        If you want Prisma Access to proxy DNS requests for your GlobalProtect users, you must update your endpoints to use the
        Remote Network DNS Proxy IP Address
        as the primary DNS server (
        Cloud Services
        Network Details
        Service Infrastructure
    4. (
      ) Select Advanced RCODE Support to allow the primary DNS server to fail over to the secondary DNS server if an RCODE 2 (SERVFAIL) and RCODE 5 (REFUSED) DNS return code is received.
      A DNS response code of SERVFAIL refers to a communication error with the primary DNS server, and a DNS response code of REFUSED means that the primary DNS server refused to provide the requested information. In both cases, the service fails over to the secondary DNS server.
  3. (
    ) Enable
    for your remote network deployment and specify a
    QoS Profile
    Guaranteed Bandwidth Ratio
    , the amount of
    Reserved for Guaranteed Bandwidth (Mbps)
    bandwidth and, optionally, customize site options per location (
    Customize Per Site
    You enable QoS at a compute location level; however, you can specify to enable or disable QoS on a per-site basis, and specify a QoS profile on a per-site basis, when you add your remote network in a later step. Before you configure QoS, you should understand how QoS works for remote networks that allocate bandwidth by compute location, including specifying the guaranteed bandwidth and customizing bandwidth per site.
  4. (
    ) Configure
    Group Mapping Settings
    to have Prisma Access use the Directory Sync component of the Cloud Identity Engine to retrieve user and group information.
    You must configure the Cloud Identity Engine to retrieve user and group information from your Active Directory (AD) before you enable group mapping in Prisma Access using
    Group Mapping Settings
  5. Create new zones in the one of the templates in the stack (
    Network > Zones> Add
    ) or map the zones referenced in existing templates you added to the stack as trusted or untrusted. On Panorama, policy rules are defined in device groups, and zones are defined in templates. Therefore, you need to make sure that you add the templates that reference the zones included in your policy rules to the template stack.
    On a Palo Alto Networks® next-generation firewall, security policy is enforced between zones, which map to physical or virtual interfaces on the firewall. But as Prisma Access for networks has only two zones, trust and untrust, you need to map any zone with traffic bound to the Internet (including your sanctioned SaaS applications) as untrust and all internal zones as trust.
    1. (Optional) Edit the zone mapping settings.
      By default, all of the zones in Prisma Access for networks template stack a are classified as Untrusted Zones. If you have not yet defined zones or if the templates in the Remote_Network_Template_Stack do not have zone configurations, you can come back and add them when you push policy to Prisma Access for networks.
    2. For each zone you want to designate as trusted, select it and click
      to move it to the list of
      Trusted Zones
    3. Click
      to save the mappings.
  6. Allocate bandwidth for the locations that you want to onboard by clicking the gear icon in the
    Bandwidth Allocation
    You allocate bandwidth at an aggregate level per compute location. See Prisma Access Remote Network Deployments for details.
    If you have removed Autonomous DEM as an add-on license, or if you remove Autonomous DEM for remote networks from your license, select
    Disable Autonomous DEM
    . If you remove Autonomous DEM for remote networks and do not disable Autonomous DEM, you will receive an error upon commit.
    If you have an existing remote networks deployment that currently onboards remote networks by location, a pop-up window displays, asking if you want to migrate to the aggregate bandwidth model. Click
    to continue, or
    to cancel the migration.
    The migration to the aggregate bandwidth model is permanent and not reversible. Before you migrate, review the pre-migration checklist. You must
    Commit and Push
    your changes for them to take effect.
    Service IP Address
    (the public IP addresses used on the Prisma Access side of the IPSec tunnel for the remote network connection) do not change when you migrate your deployment to the aggregate bandwidth model, and no reconfiguration of your IPSec tunnel is required.
  7. Enter the
    Bandwidth Allocation
    you want for each
    Compute Location
    that is associated with the
    Prisma Access Locations
    you want to onboard.
    To verify the bandwidth amount you entered, select the check mark next to the bandwidth amount; to cancel the amount, select
    Specify a minimum bandwidth of 50 Mbps and a maximum bandwidth of the maximum remaining licensed bandwidth.
  8. (
    Optional, Deployments with Autonomous DEM for Remote Networks Licenses Only
    Autonomous DEM Allocation
    for the compute location for which you allocated bandwidth.
    If you enable Autonomous DEM for the compute location, the amount of bandwidth used by the Autonomous DEM license is the same as the bandwidth you specify for the compute location. The
    Autonomous DEM Allocated Total
    shows you how much bandwidth is used by Autonomous DEM and how much is remaining. See the Autonomous DEM guide for more information.
  9. Wait for the bandwidth to be reflected in the
    Allocated Total
    field at the top of the page; then, click
  10. (
    If you want to configure your remote network to provide secure inbound access to remote network locations, click the
    Inbound Access Remote Networks
    tab and follow the workflow to configure secure inbound access for a remote network.
  11. Add
    a remote network and specify a
    You cannot change the name of the remote network location after you enter it. Make sure you know your naming scheme for your remote networks before you begin onboarding.
  12. (
    Optional, BGP deployments only
    ) Create a configuration so that your remote network connection can use up to four IPSec tunnels for its traffic (
    ECMP Load Balancing
    Static routes are not supported (BGP is required), and, if you have QoS configured, you cannot change the Allocation Ratio for ECMP links. If your deployment uses one IPSec tunnel for its remote network connection or uses static routes, select
    ECMP Load Balancing
    and continue to Step 12.
    1. Select one of the choices to enable or disable ECMP load balancing.
      • None
        —Do not use ECMP load balancing (use a single remote network tunnel for this remote network connection). This is the only choice you can make for static routes; BGP is required for ECMP load balancing.
      • Enabled with Symmetric Return
        —Specify up to four IPSec tunnels for this remote network connection and force Prisma Access to use the same link for the return traffic as it used to send the traffic.
        Select this option if you use one or more tunnels as a backup tunnel to be used only if one of the primary tunnels go down. If a link fails, Prisma Access uses one of the other tunnels to send and receive traffic symmetrically.
    2. Add
      an IPSec tunnel for the remote network connection and specify the following values:
      • Enable
        —Enables BGP for the IPSec tunnel.
        This selection is not configurable; you must enable BGP to configure ECMP.
      • Summarize Mobile User Routes before advertising
        —Reduces the number of mobile user IP subnet advertisements over BGP to your customer premises equipment (CPE) by summarizing them.
        By default, Prisma Access advertises the mobile users IP address pools in blocks of /24 subnets; if you summarize them, Prisma Access advertises the pool based on the subnet you specified. For example, Prisma Access advertises a public user mobile IP pool of using the /20 subnet, rather than dividing the pool into subnets of,,, and so on before advertising them. Summarizing these advertisements can reduce the number of routes stored in CPE routing tables. For example, you can use IP pool summarization with cloud VPN gateways (Virtual Private Gateways (VGWs) or Transit Gateways (TGWs)) that can accept a limited number of routes.
        If you enable route summarization for a location that uses ECMP, you must enable route summarization on all links to that location, or you will receive an error during commit.
        Prisma Access sets the community string for aggregated mobile user routes to
      • Advertise Default Route
        —Prisma Access originates a default route advertisement for the remote network using eBGP.
        Be sure that your network does not have another default route being advertised by BGP, or you could introduce routing issues in your network.
      • Don’t Advertise Prisma Access Routes
        —Prevents the Prisma Access BGP peer from forwarding routes into your organization’s network.
        By default, Prisma Access advertises all BGP routing information, including local routes and all prefixes it receives from other service connections, remote networks, and mobile user subnets. Select this check box to prevent Prisma Access from sending any BGP advertisements, but still use the BGP information it receives to learn routes from other BGP neighbors.
        Since Prisma Access does not send BGP advertisements if you select this option, you must configure static routes on the on-premises equipment to establish routes back to Prisma Access.
      • Peer AS
        —Specify the autonomous system (AS) to which the firewall, virtual router, or BGP router at your remote network belongs.
      • Peer IP Address
        —Enter the IP address assigned as the Router ID of the eBGP router on the remote network for which you are configuring this connection.
      • Local IP Address
        )—Enter an address that Prisma Access uses as its Local IP address for BGP.Specify the IP address to use on the Prisma Access side of the tunnel.
        Specifying a
        Local Address
        is useful where the device on the other side of the connection (such as an Amazon Web Service (AWS) Virtual Private Gateway) requires a specific local IP address for BGP peering to be successful. Make sure that the address you specify does not conflict or overlap with IP addresses in the Infrastructure Subnet or subnets in the remote network.
      • Secret
        Confirm Secret
        )—Enter and confirm a passphrase to authenticate BGP peer communications.
    3. Repeat the previous step to add up to four tunnels to use with the remote network connection.
  13. Select the
    in which Prisma Access will deploy the infrastructure required to secure your remote network location. This region should be geographically located close to your remote network location.
    If you have not yet allocated bandwidth for the compute location to which the location maps, Prisma Access prompts you to enter bandwidth for that compute location.
  14. Select the
    IPSec Termination Node
    that you want to use for this remote network.
    Prisma Access uses this node to associate remote network locations with compute locations.
  15. (
    Static routing or single-tunnel deployments only
    ) Select or add a new
    IPSec Tunnel
    configuration to access the firewall, router, or SD-WAN device at the corporate location:
    • Select one of the predefined IPSec templates in the Remote_Network_Template, or, if you have added a template to the Remote_Network_Template_Stack (or modified the predefined Remote_Network_Template) that includes an IPSec Tunnel configuration, select that
      IPSec Tunnel
      from the drop-down. Note that the tunnel you are creating for each remote network connection connects Prisma Access to the IPSec-capable device at each branch location.
      Use the following guidelines when configuring an IPSec tunnel:
      • The peer addresses in the IKE Gateway configuration must be unique for each tunnel. You can, however, re-use some of the other common configuration elements, such as crypto profiles.
      • The IPSec Tunnel you select from a template must use Auto Key exchange and IPv4 only.
      • The IPSec tunnel, IKE gateway, and crypto profile names cannot be longer than 31 characters.
      • If you onboard multiple remote networks to the same location with dynamic IKE peers, you must use the same IKE crypto profile for all remote network configurations.
    • To create a new IPSec Tunnel configuration, click
      New IPSec Tunnel
      , give it a
      and configure the IKE Gateway, IPSec Crypto Profile, and Tunnel Monitoring settings.
      • If the IPSec-capable device at your branch location uses policy-based VPN, on the
        Proxy IDs
        a proxy ID that matches the settings configured on your local IPSec device to ensure that Prisma Access can successfully establish an IPSec tunnel with your local device.
    • Leave
      Enable Replay Protection
      selected to detect and neutralize against replay attacks.
    • Select
      Copy TOS Header
      to copy the Type of Service (TOS) header from the inner IP header to the outer IP header of the encapsulated packets in order to preserve the original TOS information.
    • To enable tunnel monitoring for the service connection, select
      Tunnel Monitor
      • Enter a
        Destination IP
        Specify an IP address at your branch location to which Prisma Access can send ICMP ping requests for IPSec tunnel monitoring. Make sure that this address is reachable by ICMP from the entire Prisma Access infrastructure subnet.  
      • If you use tunnel monitoring with a peer device that uses multiple proxy IDs, specify a
        Proxy ID
        or add a
        New Proxy ID
        that allows access from the infrastructure subnet to your branch location.
        The following figure shows a proxy ID with the service infrastructure subnet ( in this example) as the
        IP subnet and the branch location’s subnet ( in this example) as the
        The following figure shows the Proxy ID you created being applied to the tunnel monitor configuration by specifying it in the
        Proxy ID
      You must configure a static route on your CPE to the Tunnel Monitor IP Address for tunnel monitoring to function. To find the destination IP address to use for tunnel monitoring from your branch location to Prisma Access, select
      Cloud Services
      Network Details
      , click the
      Service Infrastructure
      radio button, and find the
      Tunnel Monitor IP Address
  16. If you have a secondary WAN link at this location, select
    Enable Secondary WAN
    Be sure to create a unique IPSec tunnel for each remote network’s secondary WAN; Prisma Access does not support reusing the same IPSec tunnel for secondary WANs in multiple remote networks.
    Configuring a Secondary WAN is not supported in the following deployments:
    • If your secondary WAN is set up in active-active mode with the Primary IPSec tunnel.
    • If your customer premises equipment (CPE) is set up in an Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) configuration with the Primary and Secondary IPSec tunnel.
    If you use static routes, tunnel failover time is less than 15 seconds from the time of detection, depending on your WAN provider.
    If you configure BGP routing and have enabled tunnel monitoring, the shortest default hold time to determine that a security parameter index (SPI) is failing is the tunnel monitor, which removes all routes to a peer when it detects a tunnel failure for 15 consecutive seconds. In this way, the tunnel monitor determines the behavior of the BGP routes. If you do not configure tunnel monitoring, the hold timer determines the amount of time that the tunnel is down before removing the route. Prisma Access uses the default BGP HoldTime value of 90 seconds as defined by RFC 4271, which is the maximum wait time before Prisma Access removes a route for an inactive SPI. If the peer BGP device has a shorter configured hold time, the BGP hold timer uses the lower value.
    When the secondary tunnel is successfully installed, the secondary route takes precedence until the primary tunnel comes back up. If the primary and secondary are both up, the primary route takes priority.
    If you use a different BGP peer for the secondary (backup) connection, Prisma Access does not honor the Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) attributes advertised by the CPE. This caveat applies if you use multiple BGP peers on either remote network connections or service connections.
  17. Enable routing to the subnetworks or individual IP addresses at the remote network site that your users will need access to.
    Prisma Access uses this information to route requests to the appropriate site. The networks at each site cannot overlap with each other or with IP address pools that you designated for the service infrastructure or for the Prisma Access for users IP pools. You can configure
    Static Routes
    , or a combination of both.
    • To configure
      Static Routes
      1. On the
        Static Routes
        tab, click
        and enter the subnetwork address (for example, or individual IP address of a resource, such as a DNS server (for example, that your remote users will need access to.
      2. Repeat for all subnets or IP addresses that Prisma Access will need access to at this location.
    • To configure
      1. Select the
      2. (
        ) Select the
        ECMP Load Balancing
        choices. See Step 9.
      3. If you select
        ECMP Load Balancing
        , enter the BGP choices.
      4. To enable BGP for the remote network connection, select
        When you enable BGP, Prisma Access sets the time to live (TTL) value for external BGP (eBGP) to 8 to accommodate any extra hops that might occur between the Prisma Access infrastructure and your customer premises equipment (CPE) that terminates the eBGP connection.
      5. To reduce the number of mobile user IP subnet advertisements over BGP to your customer premises equipment (CPE) by summarizing them, select
        Summarize Mobile User Routes before advertising
        By default, Prisma Access advertises the mobile users IP address pools in blocks of /24 subnets; if you summarize them, Prisma Access advertises the pool based on the subnet you specified. For example, Prisma Access advertises a public user mobile IP pool of using the /20 subnet, rather than dividing the pool into subnets of,,, and so on before advertising them. Summarizing these advertisements can reduce the number of routes stored in CPE routing tables. For example, you can use IP pool summarization with cloud VPN gateways (Virtual Private Gateways (VGWs) or Transit Gateways (TGWs)) that can accept a limited number of routes.
        Prisma Access sets the community string for aggregated mobile user routes to
      6. To allow Prisma Access to advertise a default route for the remote network using eBGP, select
        Advertise Default Route
        If you select
        Advertise Default Route
        , be sure that your network does not have another default route being advertised by BGP, or you could introduce routing issues in your network.
        You must publish your default routes before you make this selection to advertise them. In addition, be sure that your network does not have another default route being advertised by BGP, or you could introduce routing issues in your network.
      7. To prevent the BGP peer on the Prisma Access firewall from forwarding routes into your organization’s network, select
        Don’t Advertise Prisma Access Routes
        By default, Prisma Access advertises all BGP routing information, including local routes and all prefixes it receives from other service connections, remote networks, and mobile user subnets. Select this check box to prevent Prisma Access from sending any BGP advertisements, but still use the BGP information it receives to learn routes from other BGP neighbors.
        Since Prisma Access does not send BGP advertisements if you select this option, you must configure static routes on the on-premises equipment to establish routes back to Prisma Access.
      8. Enter the
        Peer AS
        , which is the autonomous system (AS) to which the firewall, virtual router, or BGP router at your remote network belongs.
      9. Enter the IP address assigned as the Router ID of the eBGP router on the remote network for which you are configuring this connection as the
        Peer Address
      10. (
        ) Enter an address that Prisma Access uses as its Local IP address for BGP.
        Specifying a
        Local Address
        is useful where the device on the other side of the connection (such as an Amazon Web Service (AWS) Virtual Private Gateway) requires a specific local IP address for BGP peering to be successful. Make sure that the address you specify does not conflict or overlap with IP addresses in the Infrastructure Subnet or subnets in the remote network.
        You must configure a static route on your CPE to the BGP
        Local Address
      11. (
        ) Enter and confirm a passphrase to authenticate BGP peer communications.
      12. (
        ) If you configured a
        Secondary WAN
        and you need to change the
        Peer Address
        Local Address
        for the secondary (backup) BGP peer, deselect
        Same as Primary WAN
        and enter a unique Peer and, optionally, Local IP address for the secondary WAN.
        If you use IPv6 networking in your remote network deployment, you can configure
        addresses as well as
        addresses. You also need to enable IPv6 networking globally in your Prisma Access infrastructure before you can use IPv6 addressing.
        In some deployments (for example, when using BGP to peer with an AWS VPN gateway), the BGP peer for the primary and secondary WAN might be different. In those scenarios, you can choose to set a different BGP peer for the secondary WAN.
        For BGP deployments with secondary WANs, Prisma Access sets both the primary and secondary tunnels in an
        state, but follows normal BGP active-backup behavior for network traffic. Prisma Access sets the primary tunnel as active and sends and receives traffic through that tunnel only; if the primary tunnel fails, Prisma Access detects the failure using BGP rules, sets the secondary tunnel as active, and uses only the secondary tunnel to send and receive traffic.
  18. (
    ) Enable
    for the location and specify a
    QoS Profile
    You specify QoS options and overall settings on a per-compute location basis in the
    ; however, you can enable or disable QoS or change the QoS profile on a per-location basis here.
  19. Commit the configuration changes to Panorama and push the configuration out to Prisma Access for networks.
    1. Click
      Commit to Panorama
    2. Click
      Commit and Push
      . Click
      Edit Selections
      Prisma Access
      , and select both Prisma Access for networks and Prisma Access for service setup to push the configuration out to the service.
    3. Click
  20. Configure the IPSec-capable device at the remote network location to set up an IPSec connection with Prisma Access for networks.
    1. Find the
      Service IP Address
      for this remote network connection by selecting
      Cloud Services
      Network Details
      , clicking the
      Remote Networks
      radio button, and viewing the
      Service IP Address
      field. Prisma Access for networks infrastructure has assigned this IP address for the Prisma Access remote network connection, and you must configure this as the peer IP address to set up the IPSec tunnel between the remote network location and Prisma Access for networks.
    2. Check the
      Local IP address
      for the device at the remote network location on the
      Cloud Services
      Network Details
      Remote Networks
      page. If you are performing NAT at the remote network location, the
      Local IP address
      displays the IP address of the device after NAT.
  21. To secure traffic at the remote network location you must create security policy rules.
    1. Select
    2. Select the
      Device Group
      in which to add policy rules. You can select the Remote_Network_Device_Group or the parent device group that you selected for defining policies to secure the remote network location.
    3. Create security policy rules. Make sure that you do not define security policy rules to allow traffic from any zone to any zone. In the security policy rules, use the zones that you defined in your template.
      If a user on your network is denied access to a website, report website access issues before you open a ticket with Palo Alto Networks.
  22. Enable logging to
    Strata Logging Service
    . You must create and attach a log forwarding profile to each policy rule for which you want to forward logs.
    1. Select
      Objects > Log Forwarding
    2. Select the
      Device Group
      in which you added the policy rules, for example, Remote_Network_Device_Group.
    3. Add
      a Log Forwarding profile. In the log forwarding profile match list,
      Log Type
      that you want to forward.
    4. Select
      Panorama/Strata Logging Service
      as the Forward Method to enable Prisma Access to forward the logs to
      Strata Logging Service
      . You will be able to monitor the logs and generate reports from Panorama.
      Strata Logging Service
      provides a seamless integration to store logs without backhauling them to your Panorama at the corporate headquarters, and Panorama can query
      Strata Logging Service
      as needed.
      The following example enables forwarding of Traffic, Threat Prevention, WildFire Submission, URL Filtering, Data Filtering, and Authentication logs to
      Strata Logging Service
    5. Select
      Policies > Security
      and edit the policy rule. In
      , select the Log Forwarding profile you created.
  23. Commit all your changes to Panorama and push the configuration changes to Prisma Access.
    1. Click
      Commit and Push
    2. Edit Selections
      and, in the
      Prisma Access
      tab, make sure
      Prisma Access for networks
      is selected in the
      Push Scope
      , then click
    3. Commit and Push
      your changes.
  24. Check the remote network status.

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