: Configure Child Process Protection

Configure Child Process Protection

Table of Contents

Configure Child Process Protection

The Child Process Protection MPM for Windows endpoints prevents script-based attacks used to deliver malware such as ransomware. To prevent these attacks, the MPM is enabled by default and blocks known targeted processes from launching child processes commonly used to bypass traditional security approaches.
For increased flexibility, you can configure the module to operate in one of two ways:
  • Use a whitelist to block all child processes initiated by a process except for those specified in the whitelist.
  • Use a blacklist to allow a process to run all child processes except for those specified in the blacklist.
You can also define whether you want Traps to evaluate a list of child processes or whether to evaluate a specific argument supplied to a child process.
To evaluate your child process protection policy, Traps merges all applicable child process protection rules into a single policy. User-defined child process protection rules take precedence over default child process protection rules.
Use the following workflow to configure enhanced child process protection:
  1. Configure a new malware protection rule.
    Protection Modules
  2. Select
    as the operating system (child process protection is not supported on Mac endpoints).
  3. From the action menu
    , select
  4. Select
    Child Process Protection
    and configure the rule settings:
    • Activation
      to enable child process protection or
      to disable child process protection.
    • Action
      —Select the action to take when a process attempts to call a child process: Block the child process from running (
      ), or permit the child process to run and log the issue (
      ). Alternatively, you can choose to
      the behavior from the preceding rule in the rule hierarchy.
      To view additional details about the default policy, select
      Protection Modules
      and then select
      Show Default Rules
      from the action menu.
    • User Alert
      —Specify the notification behavior when a process attempts to call a child process, either
      to notify the user, or
      to suppress notifications. Alternatively, you can choose to
      the behavior from the preceding rule in the rule hierarchy.
  5. Configure the behavior of the module:
    1. Select the
      of the module: Use
      Allowed Processes
      to configure a whitelist or
      Restricted Processes
      to configure a blacklist.
    2. Determine how you want Traps to evaluate child processes initiated by the parent process:
      • Child Process List
        —To allow or block child processes without evaluating command-line arguments, add one or more processes to the
        Child Process List
        (one per line). Traps whitelists or blacklists these processes according to the
        you selected in the previous step. If you select
        Restricted Process
        behavior, Traps adds any child processes you specify to the blacklist which is defined in the content update of your security policy.
        To block or allow a source process to run all child processes, select
        Single Process
        , and leave both fields blank.
      • Single Process
        —To evaluate the command-line parameters of a single child process, enter the child process path (full or partial) and the parameters. If you specify only the process name, Traps evaluates the process run from any path. For example, if you specify
        with the parameter
        and a
        Restricted Processes
        , the parent process (which you define on the
        tab) will not be allowed to run the child process (in this example,
        ) with the defined parameter. When you have multiple rules for the same parent and child process, Traps merges the command-line parameters for all user and default policy rules.
      These options also support the same environment variables and wildcards that you can use in restriction rules. For example, to configure a rule for iexplorer.exe which blocks that process from launching SCR files from the temp folder, you can use environment variables and wildcards to specify
      . For more information about using environment variables and wildcards, see Wildcards and Variables in Policy Rules.
  6. Select the
    tab and
    one or more source processes to which Traps will apply child process protection. As you type, the ESM Console provides auto-completion based the list of processes defined in the ESM Console.
  7. (
    ) Add Conditions to the rule. By default, a new rule does not contain any conditions.
    To specify a condition, select the
    tab, select the condition in the Conditions list, and then
    it to the Selected Conditions list. Repeat this step to add more conditions, as needed. You can also define new Conditions.
  8. (
    ) Define the Target Objects to which to apply the rule.
    To define a smaller subset of target objects, select the
    tab, and then enter one or more
    AD Users
    AD Computers
    AD Groups
    AD Organizational Unit
    Existing Endpoints
    , or
    Existing Groups
    in the Include or Exclude areas. The Endpoint Security Manager queries Active Directory to verify the users, computers, groups, or organizational units. The ESM Console also offers autocompletion as you type for existing endpoints and existing virtual groups.
  9. (
    ) Review the rule name and description. The ESM Console automatically generates the rule name and description based on the rule details but permits you to change these fields, if needed.
    To override the autogenerated name, select the
    tab, clear the
    Activate automatic description
    option, and then enter a rule name and description of your choice.
  10. Save the malware protection rule.
    Do either of the following:
    • Save
      the rule without activating it. This option is only available for inactive, cloned, or new rules. When you are ready to activate the rule, select the rule from the
      Protection Modules
      page and then click
    • Apply
      the rule to activate it immediately.
    After saving or applying a rule, you can return to the
    Protection Modules
    page at any time to
    the rule.

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