Transfer or Update Panorama Managed Prisma Access Licenses

Transfer or Update Panorama Managed Prisma Access Licenses

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Transfer or Update Panorama Managed Prisma Access Licenses

If your Prisma Access deployment is running 4.0 or later, use this procedure to transfer or update Panorama Managed Prisma Access licenses.
If you need to transfer your Panorama Managed Prisma Access license from one Panorama appliance to another, or if you have an evaluation Prisma Access license and you purchase a production license, use one of the following supported upgrade paths to transfer or upgrade your license.
When you renew your license, you must also perform these steps to retrieve the new license key. Panorama does not retrieve the licenses after a renewal.
The license update procedure you use for Panorama Managed Prisma Access depends on the type of Prisma Access license you have. If you are upgrading from an evaluation to a paid Prisma Access license, the update path differs depending on the type of license your Panorama appliance has.
  • If you are transferring a production (paid) Prisma Access license from one Panorama appliance to another, use the workflow in Transfer or Update Prisma Access Licenses Between Panorama Appliances to transfer the Prisma Access license.
  • If you are upgrading from an evaluation Prisma Access license to a production Prisma Access license, use one of the following workflows to transfer the license:
    Before you upgrade from an evaluation to a paid (production) license, be aware of the following guidelines and requirements:
    • Do not proceed with the workflow until the order process is complete, the order has been fulfilled, and the support portal is showing the newly purchased cloud service licenses.
    • An evaluation license has the same capabilities as the Prisma Access Local Enterprise edition, including supporting a maximum of 5 locations and 2 service connections, and includes all the supported add-ons. After you purchase your Prisma Access production license, you must determine what is supported with your Prisma Access production license and deactivate the unsupported capabilities before you update your license from evaluation to production.
    • The number of locations and service connections for your production license depends on the license type; check your license details to see the maximum number of locations and service connections that are supported.
The following table shows the supported license update methods based on the type of Panorama appliance used with the evaluation.