: Take Action on Third-Party Plugins

Take Action on Third-Party Plugins

Table of Contents

Take Action on Third-Party Plugins

If you determine that a third-party plugin is a threat, you can block or remove the plugin from the SaaS application. Otherwise, you can mark the plugin as reviewed.
After you assess the risks posed by third-party plugins, you can take action. You can approve or revoke access to the plugin. The specific actions that you can take to revoke access to a plugin depends on the SaaS platform that is hosting the plugin. Depending on the SaaS platform, you can revoke access within SSPM for individual users. For some SaaS apps, you must go to the SaaS app's administration console to revoke a plugin's access.
  1. Navigate to SaaS Security Posture Management.
  2. Navigate to the unreviewed third-party plugins for an app. Determine the action to take based on the plugin information provided.
  3. Take action:
    • To indicate that you have reviewed the plugin and you do not consider the plugin to be a risk:
      1. Select the Connected Applications tab.
      2. From the Actions column for the plugin, choose Reviewed.
    • To revoke access to the plugin for an individual user, complete the following steps:
      1. Select the Connected Applications tab.
      2. In the Applications column, click the name of the third-party plugin.
      3. In the details window for the plugin, select the Users tab.
      4. Select the action to Revoke Access for the user.
      You can also revoke a user's access to a plugin from the Users tab.
      1. Select the Users tab.
      2. In the Users column, click the name of the user.
      3. In the details window for the user, select the User Level Applications tab.
      4. Select the action to Revoke Access for the user.
      If the Revoke Access action is not available, this means that SSPM does not support revoking access for individual users. Instead, log in to your SaaS app's administration console to remove the plugin.