: Match Criteria for Data Asset Policies

Match Criteria for Data Asset Policies

Table of Contents

Match Criteria for Data Asset Policies

Define the match criteria that a data asset policy uses when the service scans for matches.
Define the match criteria that a data asset policy uses when the service scans for matches.

Match Criteria for a Data Asset Policy

When you add a new asset rule or you modify a policy rule, you define the match criteria that the data asset policy uses when
Data Security
scans for matches. The service compares all of the information it discovers against the enabled data asset policies and identifies incidents and exposures in every asset across all your monitored SaaS applications. Match criteria is critical for successful discovery of risks in SaaS application usage across your organization so, when you set the match criteria, you must carefully consider the thresholds, types of information, and risks associated with how assets are shared. Use match criteria to enforce compliance with your corporate acceptable use policy.
Match Criteria
Cloud Apps
Select the managed applications to scan and match. By default, all cloud apps you added to
Data Security
are scanned, but you can Rescan a Managed Cloud App.
Select the match conditions for how the asset is shared (Public, External, Company, or Internal).
File Extension
Enter the
File Extension
to include or exclude in the match results. Select either
to match the asset file extension, or
Does not Equal
to exclude the asset file extension from matching.
File Owner’s Group
To enforce group-based policy using
File Owner’s Group
, you must Connect Directory Services to Data Security.
Select either
, or
Does not Equal
and the Azure Active Directory Group to which the file owner must belong. You can also select
Not Available
if you want to enforce an action for any users who are not identified either because the email address is unavailable or because they belong to an AD group that is not being scanned by
Data Security
Select the
Cloud App
and the
in the storage
to include in the match results.
Select the asset access and modification activities within a selected time frame to match. For example, activities can include
Not Accessed
, and
Not Modified
. Time frames include
in the past week
in the past month
, and
in the past 6 months
Asset Name
Enter the
Asset Name
to include or exclude in the match results. Select either
to match the asset, or
Does not Equal
to exclude the asset from matching.
Data Pattern
Select the available data patterns to match, including predefined or custom data patterns or a file property you defined when you create a custom data pattern. Specify your include or exclude logic. Enter the number of
(Confidence Level) required to display a data pattern match.
Data Profiles
Select the available data profiles to match when you create a custom data profile.
File Hash
Files are scanned using WildFire analysis to detect and protect against malicious portable executables (PEs) and known threats based on file hash. Enter the
(SHA256) details of the file to match. Select
(include in matching), or
Does not Equal
(exclude in matching).
Enter the email address for the asset
in the match results. You can add one or more Directory groups
Trust State
When you Define Untrusted Users and Domains or if you are matching on an assets trust state, all assets shared with a user in the selected
, or
Anyone Not Trusted
users list are detected as a match. Specify the number of occurrences (such as
More than
Fewer than
, or
with whom a file must be shared to trigger a match.

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