Clean Pipe Use Cases
Prisma Access

Clean Pipe Use Cases

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Clean Pipe Use Cases

Learn about the use cases for Prisma Access Clean Pipe.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
Use Prisma Access for Clean Pipe if you meet all of the following use cases:
  • You manage a network deployment with a large number of tenants.
    For example, you are a service provider, Telco, or MSSP who manages and maintains the networks of many different organizations (up to tens of thousands).
  • You want a way for each tenant in your deployment to have their outbound internet traffic secured.
  • You need a fast and scalable way to onboard Clean Pipes for the organizations whose networks you manage.
  • With the exception of outbound internet security, you do not have additional requirements to protect the mobile users, headquarters, or branch locations of the networks you manage.
    If you have additional security requirements, we recommend creating multiple tenants in Prisma Access instead of implementing Clean Pipe, which allows you to create and enforce security profiles for separate groups of remote networks and mobile users.